The Disenchanted Summoner – Chapter 76

“A Weimar envoy?”
“Yes. It seems they’ve come to an agreement with Kenta Maya. They say they won’t allow an investigation, but they’re willing to negotiate.”

Inside the largest tent of the Demon Tribe Nation, which had deployed its forces near the border of the Weimar Kingdom, Mekido, the Demon Tribe Nation King, received the report.

“Your Majesty, what shall we do?”

The one who asked was one of Mekido’s closest aides, who had rebelled with Meileen.

He was Mekido’s comrade from when he fought on the front lines, and a powerful figure within the Demon Tribe Nation.

Hearing his aide’s words, Mekido sat on a chair inside the tent, crossed his legs, and pondered for a while before deciding on a reply.

“Understood. Tell them we’ll agree to it as well.”

As the soldier who had come to report left the tent, Mekido let out a small sigh.

“Oh my, what’s wrong? You seem unusually tense.”

Even for his long-time aide, seeing Mekido tense was something he had only witnessed when facing the previous king, so he looked at Mekido with eyes of curiosity.

“Huh? Of course I am. The opponent is that Kenta Maya, you know? What if I make a bad reply and it turns into a war?”

Mekido said with a sullen expression, but his aide thought inwardly, (Then isn’t this action already a bad move?)

Certainly, the possibility that Mona might be under Kenta’s protection suggests that Meileen might be alive, and if so, there might be a bomb for the Demon Tribe Nation, Meileen’s child, lurking. So, it’s understandable that they want to investigate.

However, the action taken for that purpose, with the king himself leading the army to the Weimar Kingdom where Kenta is hiding, is something his aide cannot understand.

This is no different from military pressure, and if anything, this act alone could easily lead to war.

He was rather impressed that the Weimar Kingdom had endured it so well.

(They should have sent an envoy first, negotiated, and then decided whether to allow an investigation, but this person…)

This aide, with his pale skin, pointed ears, and sharp, snake-like eyes, was known as a snake by those around him.

His name was Snail, and he had a cunning personality. He served as Mekido’s aide because he was convinced that sticking with him would lead to his own advancement, and he had been a hanger-on ever since.

His calculations were correct, and he quickly rose through the ranks in the military, establishing a firm position.

However, even he had a complaint.

It was Mekido’s tendency to want to go to the front lines, which meant that even after his promotion, he was always on the battlefield.

Snail, who wanted to advance but also valued his own safety, wanted to somehow keep Mekido away from the front lines, and so he instigated Mekido’s usurpation of the throne.

As a result, Mekido became king, and Snail, as his aide, was able to attain a higher position than he had imagined, which was a very satisfying outcome…

However, Snail began to question Mekido’s actions after he ascended the throne.

Mekido, who had shone brightly on the battlefield, did not show the same sharpness in his decisions at the palace.

Even in war, perhaps because he could not directly command, defeats had been piling up recently, and some had begun to openly express their distrust of King Mekido.

Just when he was thinking that this was not good, the possibility of Meileen and her child’s existence emerged.

If that were to become public knowledge, there might be calls for Meileen to return to the throne.

Therefore, Snail wanted Mekido to act cautiously, but…

(To think he would go to the Weimar Kingdom himself without prior notice… No matter how many times I advise him, he won’t listen.)

Snail, watching Mekido in his solemn mood, was aware that his former loyalty was wavering.

And then came the day of the meeting with Kenta’s side…

“Huh? Who are you? You.”

Mekido, seeing Ivern appear at the meeting, threw those words at him.

Hearing those words, Ivern’s eyes widened, and Snail clicked his tongue so that Mekido wouldn’t notice.

“Who am I, is quite the greeting. My name is Ivern. I am Kenta’s representative.”
“Representative? Why isn’t Kenta Maya himself here!? Are you making a fool of me!?”

Snail’s spine froze at Mekido’s words.

Ivern had just said he was Kenta’s ‘representative’.

That meant he was a person sent as Kenta’s ‘substitute’, and the Demon Tribe Nation side had to treat him as if he were the real deal.

And yet, he was met with such abusive language right away.

Ivern shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well, well,” before speaking.

“You tend to get heated when it comes to Kenta, don’t you? That’s why I decided to come instead. By the way, I’ve been given full authority by Kenta, so please listen to my words as if they were Kenta’s.”
“Huh? Why do I have to listen to some underling like you?”

Seeing Mekido, who seemed to genuinely not understand the meaning of ‘representative’, Ivern sent a worried look to Snail, but even Snail was troubled by that look.

So, in response to Ivern’s gaze, Snail merely shrugged his shoulders with a wry smile.

“Haa, never mind. Let’s just get this meeting over with. Why is the Demon Tribe Nation trying to investigate the forest where Kenta is?”

Ivern, wanting to move the discussion forward, cut to the chase, even though there were many things he wanted to say.

Hearing those words, Mekido, still not convinced that Kenta himself hadn’t come, replied with a sullen attitude.

“I can’t tell you that. It’s a state secret.”
“Is that so? Then this conversation is over. Thank you for your time.”

Ivern said that and made a move to leave his seat.

“Wait, wait, wait! Why are you leaving!?”
“Why? Do you expect us to accept your demands without revealing your purpose? There’s no way we would accept such a request, is there?”
“Y-You… Do you know who I am?”

Mekido said that as he began to gather his Magic Power.

Seeing that, Ivern also replied with similar words.

“Do you know who I am? I am Kenta’s ‘representative’. Harming me would be considered an act of hostility towards Kenta.”
“By the way, if you harm me, Kenta says he will go to war with the Demon Tribe Nation, so please keep that in mind.”

Hearing Ivern’s words, Mekido hurriedly released his Magic Power and raised both hands to show that he had no hostile intentions.

“I, I just got a little heated. I don’t intend to pick a fight with Kenta Maya.”
“Is that so? That’s good. Then, excuse me.”
“So wait!”

Mekido desperately tried to stop Ivern, who was trying to leave.

Then, as if he had no choice, he began to speak.

“I want to investigate if my older sister is there.”

Hearing those words, Ivern understood that was the reason.

And, having understood, he replied.

“I refuse.”

At that reply, Mekido’s face turned red with anger.

However, he did not attack Ivern on the spot, and swallowed his anger for the moment.

“…Does that mean you’ll take forceful measures if I refuse?”

Hearing that, Ivern chuckled softly.

“Even if you say that. You know what would happen if you did that, don’t you?”

When it came to combat, Mekido’s mind worked well.

If they attacked the forest where Kenta was, they would face Kenta’s counterattack.

Moreover, since it was within the Weimar Kingdom, they would also be at war with the Weimar Kingdom.

As a result, the Demon Tribe Nation would suffer great losses.

Having simulated that far, Mekido clicked his tongue loudly.

Then, after crossing his arms and thinking for a while, he glared at Ivern.

“I have something I want to ask.”
“What is it?”
“What does Kenta Maya intend to do in the future? Does he intend to conquer this world?”

At those words, Ivern was strangely impressed, thinking, ‘So, he’s still seen that way by the world.’

“He has no such intention. Kenta just wants to live quietly there. He won’t go out of his way to jump into the fray.”

Ivern judged that Mekido probably even suspected that there was a child between Meileen and Kenta.

Therefore, Ivern stated that Kenta had no intention of participating in the Demon Tribe Nation’s succession battle.

Hearing those words, Mekido glared at Ivern for a while, but when Ivern didn’t avert his eyes, he finally judged that it was his true intention.

“I see… Understood. If you promise that, I’ll withdraw this time.”

Mekido said that and stood up from his seat.
“However, if you break your promise… be prepared.”
“Haha. I’ll keep it in mind.”

Mekido had intended that as a threat, but it didn’t faze Ivern at all. Frustrated, he clicked his tongue and left the meeting room.

And so, the Demon Tribe Nation army began to withdraw from the vicinity of the Weimar Kingdom border. Amidst all this, Snail was looking at Mekido with distrust.

“Even though a clear conflict is brewing, to be so intimidated by Kenta Maya that he won’t press the attack… His Majesty has become quite weak since ascending the throne.”

Snail was uneasy with Mekido’s sudden timidity in these kinds of negotiations, and began to think that the future of the Demon Tribe Nation was uncertain if things continued this way.