Banished Slime – Chapter 14



I was sent flying by the Great Bear, landing on a rock.
Thanks to the Jewel Slime’s 〖Toughness〗, I wasn’t injured, but the rock shattered instead.

“(He just casually sent me flying, I’m gonna get a bump on my head…)”

I rubbed the spot where I was hit, which was now dented, and got off the rock.

The Great Bear’s attack, how should I put it, felt like it was passing right through my hardness.
The impact itself was smaller than the stray attacks from the giant Demon Beasts, but the pain and the decrease in 〖Life〗 were greater with the Great Bear’s attack.

Maybe the Great Bear has a 〖Skill〗 that ignores a certain percentage of material strength.

“(Haa, my body’s melting, what a mess.)”

I decided that if I met the Great Bear again, I would run without hesitation, and focused my attention on my body.
About 20% of my body was melting.

When a slime’s body receives a powerful attack—an impact that reduces 〖Life〗—the cells in the area corresponding to the power of the attack die.
And the dead parts melt away like this.

When 〖Life〗 decreases by 20%, about 10% of the body dies.
In other words, if the necrosis reaches half of the body, the slime dies.

“(–Oh, there it is, there it is.)”

As I was walking while thinking about ominous things, I found the corpse of a Demon Beast that I recognized.
Thanks to my 〖Sense of Direction〗, I knew that I had been blown by the Great Bear in the direction I had fought the Crayfish.
The Great Bear’s attack was stronger, so I had to walk back.

I was happy that it hadn’t been ravaged by other Demon Beasts. Strong Demon Beasts are full of nutrients, and eating them makes you grow stronger.
While eating the Crayfish with 〖Dissolving Liquid〗, I focused my attention on my 〖Status〗.

Actually, ever since I defeated the Crayfish, I had been feeling a surge of power in my body.

“(Looks like I can 〖Evolve〗 after all.)”

〖Evolution〗 is the fastest way to become stronger.
There are no enemies around, so I’ll do it now.

I immediately looked at the 〖Evolution〗 candidates.

~Evolution Paths~
Ruby Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
Large Jewel Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
Jewel Weapon Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
Brilliant Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
Jewel Meteor Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast

The number of Evolution Paths has increased dramatically, and there are five this time. It’s a wide selection.
I focused my attention on each name to see the overview of each race.

~Evolution Paths~
Ruby Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
・A rare species of the Slime family.
・Its crimson, shimmering body repels most attacks.
・Also excels at escaping, and ordinary Demon Beasts can only catch a glimpse of its red afterglow.
・It also possesses a 〖Skill〗 that manipulates fire.

Hmm, it seems like a proper evolution.
Being able to manipulate fire is also cool and a high point.
Depending on the other candidates, it seems like a pretty good Evolution Path.

Now, next up is–.

~Evolution Paths~
Large Jewel Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
・A rare species of the Large Slime with high 〖Life〗.
・Its body is large, and its 〖Toughness〗 and 〖Resist〗 are also very high.
・Despite its large size, it also excels at escaping.

A Large type, huh. It’s the same family as Sura-ta.
Having a lot of 〖Life〗 is attractive. I can stand up to opponents like the Great Bear who can penetrate 〖Toughness〗.

However, it doesn’t seem to have any other notable abilities.
It doesn’t seem to be very good at direct combat either.
Well, I’ll make it my second choice.

~Evolution Paths~
Jewel Weapon Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
・A rare species of Weapon Slime that masters 〖Weapon Skills〗.
・It can transform its body into a variety of weapons and fight using 〖Skills〗.
・It has higher 〖Power〗 than normal slimes, but its true strength lies in its 〖Toughness〗. Its body, which has a hardness far exceeding that of iron, is a weapon that combines offense and defense.

Isn’t this one pretty good?
The axe I snatched from the Goblin broke in the fight with the Crayfish, but if I can turn my body into a blade, I won’t have to let 〖Slash〗 go to waste.

Perhaps due to the influence of my 【Unique Skill】, I have learned many 〖Weapon Skills〗, and I will continue to learn them.
It seems that this race, which can transform into various weapons, is compatible with me.

~Evolution Paths~
Brilliant Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
・A rare species of the Slime family. One of the most beautiful slimes.
・While it is slightly inferior in flexibility, its 〖Toughness〗 and 〖Resist〗 are unmatched.
・It deceives its opponents with the 〖Skill〗 of illusion.

This one feels like it’s specialized in defense. It seems that 〖Resist〗 will be as high as 〖Toughness〗.
The illusion 〖Skill〗 is also interesting.

But, as someone aiming to be the strongest, it’s a bit of a problem that its attack power seems low…
I’ll make it my third choice.

~Evolution Paths~
Jewel Meteor Slime Beast Rank: Greater Beast
・A rare species of the Slime family.
・It hunts its prey by using its outstanding 〖Toughness〗 and performing falling attacks.
・It has a unique slime falling 〖Skill〗 and high leaping power.

And, finally, this one.
It’s an Evolution Path that seems to have appeared because I was blown away so much.

Even so, Meteor… a meteor, huh…
I thought of it as a soccer ball or a home run ball, but it’s being decorated in a very stylish way.
It makes me want to choose it a little.

If it has high leaping power, that means I can jump high and launch a falling attack without having to wait on top of a tree, right?
It seems like a pretty good Evolution Path.

If I were to mention any concerns, it would be the many openings.
So far, when using 〖Crush〗, I have been keeping enemies in place with 〖Provoke〗 and 〖Alluring Radiance〗, but it’s questionable whether that will continue to work in the future.

Strong Demon Beasts also have high 〖Resist〗, and the effectiveness of mental 〖Skills〗 decreases.
If they have even a little bit of reason, they will just dodge the falling attack and then counterattack.


I’m troubled.
Each Evolution Path has its own unique charm, and when I try to narrow it down to one, I feel a pull.

But, it’s no use being indecisive forever.
I stopped eating for now and made a bold choice.

“(Alright, I’ve decided on you! 〖Evolution〗, start!)”

In response to my will, my body began to heat up.
The heat increased more and more, and my liquid body began to tremble as if it were boiling, gradually increasing in volume, and then–

~Non-Notification Information Recording Area~

Fue Toukouya (Jewel Slime) has started 〖Evolution〗.
The race has changed to Jewel Weapon Slime.
〖Stats〗 have changed due to 〖Evolution〗.
〖Skills〗 have been added.


–The heat is receding.
The 〖Evolution〗 is complete.

The color of my body hasn’t changed. It’s still a clear blue.
However, the size has increased by about two sizes.
Comparing it to the surrounding trees, it seems to be about the size of a small balance ball.

Well, that’s enough about my appearance. Let’s check my 〖Status〗.