Banished Slime – Chapter 17

Munch, munch, munch, munch.

I’m eating the Gryphon I defeated.
As the onomatopoeia “munch, munch” suggests, I am currently chewing.

The reason? The Gryphon was just too big.
If I were to dissolve it normally, it would take too long.

So, I’m currently in the middle of a thorough chomping session.
First, I shape my body into a blade and cut off a part of the Gryphon, then take it into my body.
Then, I create two blades inside my body, sandwiching and slicing it.

This is the Slime’s way of chewing. I don’t know if other Slimes do it.
Actually, Slimes other than the Roughstone Slime type can’t transform into such sharp shapes, so it’s probably impossible for them.

~Unidentified Information Log~

Fue Toukouya (Jewel Weapon Slime) has acquired the 〖Skill: Bite〗.


“(Thanks for the meal.)”

I put my hands together, having finished eating. I extended my whips from both sides to make them look like arms.
Then, I let out a sigh. The chewing action took quite a bit of stamina.
It’s like a full-body workout, that thing.

“(…Time to look for the next prey.)”

I finished my rest and stood up.
My 〖Mana〗 and stamina are still overflowing.
I’ll raise my 〖Level〗 even more today.

After that, I fought several Demon Beasts I found. My 〖Level〗 reached 29.

My 〖Skills〗 haven’t changed, but my fighting style has become more refined… I think.
I’ve gotten used to the Jewel Weapon Slime’s body, and I can now use my 〖Skills〗 in quick succession.

“(I should probably find a place to sleep soon.)”

It’s now the time of day when crows would be cawing.
It’s time to call it quits for today’s hunting.

“(Oh, this place looks good.)”

I found a tree root about the same size as the one I slept in yesterday.
I was about to slip inside when I realized, “Huh?”

“(It won’t fit… Now that I think about it, I got bigger from 〖Evolution〗…)”

An unexpected side effect of 〖Evolution〗.
From now on, I have to find a place where I can hide this beach ball-sized body.

For a moment, I thought, “Well, I can’t be hurt anyway, so maybe I can just sleep outside?”
But I quickly corrected myself.
Nocturnal Demon Beasts would probably gather and disturb my sleep, and if a Demon Beast that could break my defense appeared, it would be the end.

“(I wonder if there’s a good place…)”

I walked around the Forest.
Well, the sound of a Slime moving is more like a “slither, slither” than a “walk, walk.”
We move by dragging our bodies.

–And, that place over there might be good.

What caught my eye was a small hill that was bulging up. There was a cave under it.
It was getting late, so I hurried towards the entrance.

“(Excuse me.)”

As soon as I entered, three Goblins attacked me.
It seems this was where the Goblins had made their home.

‘I don’t want to fight. Could you let me stay for one night?’
“Gya-gya-gya! (Dinner’s here!)”
“(Well, they’re not going to agree.)”

I tried to convey that I didn’t want to fight with 〖Telepathy〗, but the Goblins attacked me anyway. They were beating me with clubs.
I thought about avoiding the fight because it would be troublesome if other Demon Beasts were attracted by the smell of blood.

Well, if I defeat them and eat them all, it should be fine.

“(〖Escape〗, 〖Slash〗)”

I put some distance between myself and the Goblins, who were repeating attacks that wouldn’t even do a single point of damage, and immediately swung my blade down.
Goblin A was killed, its head split vertically.

“(〖Leap〗, 〖Leap〗)”

I jumped up before the Goblins could even realize their comrade’s death. The ceiling of the cave was low, and my jumping power was enough to reach it.
I then 〖Leaped〗 again, falling at high speed.

Goblin B was crushed to death with 〖Crush〗, not even able to scream.
Without a pause, I swung my blade at the Goblin C next to it.


A moment before the stunned Goblin could defend, the sword blade gouged its belly.
Its knees buckled. It would never stand again.

“(Well, that’s about it.)”

I had fought several times during the day, but for a 〖Greater Beast〗 like me, 〖Lesser Beasts〗 were no match.
I can easily wipe them out like this. That’s the difference in 〖Beast Rank〗.

After that, I devoured all the Goblins with 〖Dissolving Liquid〗.
I even dissolved the bloodstains along with the ground, so it was completely clean. It was a perfect cover-up that even a great detective wouldn’t be able to figure out.

Then, I found a hollow of just the right size in the back of the cave, and I fell asleep there.

It’s a bit shorter, so I’ll post an interlude after 7 PM today.