Introduction to the Protagonist’s Skills
As requested by readers, here are the details of my Skills.
I plan to include explanations in the main story as needed, so feel free to skip this if you wish.
※The next update will be the day after tomorrow.
Cover: Temporarily expands the defense range.
Climbing: Provides a bonus to agility when climbing.
Block: Temporarily immobilizes, but boosts the strength of the user and their weapon during that time.
Fleeing Instinct: Makes it easier to learn Fleeing Skills. Constantly boosts the effects of Fleeing Skills.
Whip: Unleashes a powerful whip strike.
Compact Whip: Unleashes a quick whip strike.
Folly: When acting foolishly, provides a bonus to all Stats except Life and Mana. Constantly provides a bonus to disease resistance.
Slash: Unleashes a powerful slash.
Compact Slash: Unleashes a quick slash.
Gesture: Provides a bonus to communication through gestures.
Weapon Body: Constantly makes it easier to transform the body into a weapon. Boosts weapon performance when using one’s own body as a weapon.
Flee: Provides a bonus to speed when fleeing. Provides a bonus to Stealth when fleeing.
Flash Step: Provides a bonus to action speed when evading. Constantly provides a bonus to dynamic visual acuity.
Cross Counter: Provides a bonus to attack power when evading.
Challenge: Increases the target’s hostility towards the Skill user. When used on someone with a higher Level, the aforementioned effect is boosted.
Concentration: Provides a bonus to concentration when focusing on one thing. Constantly provides a bonus to mental interference resistance.
Storage: Increases the amount of nutrients that can be stored. Allows Life and Mana to be held beyond their maximum values.
Transport: Reduces the load received from carried items during transport. Reduces damage to carried items during transport.
Weapon Storage: Allows weapons to be stored in a different dimension by completely covering them with the user’s body.
Replicant Form: Allows weapons to be analyzed and recorded. Allows the user’s body to transform into a recorded weapon.
Bewitching Glare: Targets creatures that are observing the Skill user, and drastically increases their desire to attack the Skill user. When the Skill user is killed, dramatically increases the Soul Shard (Experience) that the killer can acquire.
Thrust: Unleashes a powerful thrust.
Antibody: Constantly provides a bonus to resistance to Status Ailments from food. When a Status Ailment is inflicted, provides a bonus to resistance to that Status Ailment for a certain period.
Compact Thrust: Unleashes a quick thrust.
Shoot: Unleashes a powerful shot.
Decomposition Fluid: Allows the secretion of a liquid that dissolves substances. Boosts the aforementioned effect.
Charge Thrust: Allows the user to charge at high speed and unleash a thrust with that momentum.
Charge Slash: Allows the user to charge at high speed and unleash a slash with that momentum.
Compact Shot: Unleashes a quick shot.
Stealth: Allows the user to diminish their sounds, smells, and Mana presence. Reduces secondary sounds that are generated.
Mollusk: Constantly provides a bonus to the flexibility of the body. Constantly provides a bonus to resistance to blunt attacks.
All-Out Throw: Provides a bonus to arm strength when throwing. Allows a powerful throw by consuming stamina.
Parry: Provides a bonus to shock absorption upon landing. Constantly provides a bonus to the technique of deflecting shocks.
Tear: Provides a bonus to the sharpness of teeth when biting. Provides a bonus to jaw strength when biting.
Wave Slash: Allows the user to launch a slash with Mana.
Wave Thrust: Allows the user to launch a thrust with Mana.
Heavy Slash: Unleashes a full-powered slash.
Heavy Thrust: Unleashes a full-powered thrust.
Heavy Shot: Unleashes a full-powered shot.
Precision Shot: Provides a bonus to accuracy when attacking at long range. Provides a bonus to projectile speed and accuracy when attacking at long range.
Poison Hand: When in a Poisoned state, allows the user to inflict the same type of Poison on targets they directly attack.
High-Speed Regeneration: Constantly automatically recovers injuries and missing body parts. Constantly provides a bonus to the user’s Life recovery rate.
Arms Craftsman: Allows the user to create weapons that reflect the properties of the materials. Boosts the weapon performance of created items when crafting weapons.
Escalating Warfare: Allows the user to analyze and record the weaponization suitability of materials and weapon information. Allows the user to modify weapons based on the recorded information.
Multi-Weapon Style: Provides a bonus to weapon handling skills when using multiple weapons. Provides a bonus to information processing ability when using multiple weapons.
Thousand Blades Burst: Allows the user to forcefully transform a target material into numerous short swords.
Territory: Expands and controls the Zone Control.
Parry: Deflects impacts in any direction through a weapon.
Swing: Unleashes a powerful strike. (Note: “Strike” in the Swing category excludes punches and kicks.)
Compact Swing: Unleashes a quick strike.
Heavy Swing: Unleashes a full-powered strike.
Charge Swing: Allows the user to charge at high speed and unleash a strike with that momentum.
Quake Swing: Allows the user to transmit the impact of a strike with Mana.
Dance Combat: Provides a bonus to the agility of movements when dancing. Provides a bonus to the agility of weapon attacks when dancing.
Assassination: Provides a bonus to power when attacking an opponent without being detected. When attacking an opponent without being detected, ignores a certain percentage of the target’s Toughness.
Storm Strike: Provides a bonus to power when attacking a target that has been attacked within a certain period. The aforementioned effect is cumulative. The effect amount is boosted according to the number of times the aforementioned effect is stacked.
Last Stand: Constantly provides a bonus to the ability to stay in place. Once every 24 hours, when Life is completely depleted, Life is left at 1 instead.
Raging Art: Makes it easier to interrupt Weapon Skills. Provides a bonus to balance when activating Weapon Skills. Provides a bonus to body control and the agility of Weapon Skills when activating multiple Weapon Skills simultaneously.
Diving: Provides a bonus to propulsion when swimming. Constantly provides a bonus to lung capacity.
Clairvoyance: Allows the user to see in the dark. Allows the user to see through obstacles up to a certain thickness.
Reverse: Reduces air and water resistance when moving in reverse.
Perforation: Allows the user to ignore a certain percentage of the ground’s hardness. Provides a bonus to physical strength when perforating.
Strangulation: Provides a bonus to physical strength when strangling.
Super Leap: Provides a bonus to jumping power when leaping. Allows the user to leap in mid-air. Allows the user to leap with power beyond their limits.
Staff of the Gods: Provides a bonus to power when making a direct attack using the user’s own weight. Allows the user to increase their falling speed. Upon landing, allows the user to transfer the impact they receive to the object they collide with.
Blast Dash: Provides a bonus to leg strength when charging. Provides a bonus to the power of the charge when charging. Allows the user to launch explosively.
Terrain Awareness: Constantly allows the user to know which direction they are facing. Constantly allows the user to perceive the surrounding terrain.
Telepathic Communication: Allows the user to send thoughts to others and receive thoughts from others. Boosts the effective range of the aforementioned effect.
Mimicry: Provides a bonus to credibility when deceiving others. Allows the user to transform and change the color of parts of their body to mimic other substances.
Trajectory Prediction: When making a long-range attack, allows the user to know the trajectory of the attack, taking environmental conditions into account. The aforementioned effect can also be applied to the long-range attacks of others.
WWW (Waning and Waxing Wisdom): Constantly provides a bonus to the effects of analysis Skills. When Life is less than the maximum value, provides a bonus to thinking speed according to the amount of decrease. Allows the user to store nearby Artifacts and Mana Crystals in a different dimension.
S (Sparkle) U (Aproot): Allows the user to infuse Mana with destructive power and launch it. Constantly provides a bonus to Mana output. Constantly provides a bonus to the performance of Mana attacks.
L (Lock-on) AIM: When making a long-range attack, allows the user to consume Mana to add a tracking effect. Allows the user to know the position of their launched long-range attacks. Provides a bonus to information processing ability when making parallel long-range attacks.
U (Update): Allows the user to sense, analyze, and improve nearby Mana Crystals and Artifacts. Constantly provides a bonus to memory and creativity regarding information about Mana Crystals and Artifacts.
COM (Perfect Body): Constantly boosts Resist based on base Toughness, and boosts Toughness based on base Resist. When not taking damage, provides a bonus to Resist and Toughness. Constantly provides a bonus to physical functions.
Repair Moonlight: Allows the user to emit a light that consumes Mana to repair Artifacts. Allows the user to emit a light that consumes Mana to correct the mind.
Familiar: Allows the user to consume Mana to create a Familiar that inherits their properties. Allows the user to give Mana to others who agree to become their Familiar.
Binding: Provides a bonus to binding power when capturing. Allows the user to reduce the Stats of the captured target.
A kind reader has categorized the Skills by type, so I’ll post them here.
It’s well-organized and easy to read.
Weapon Skills
【Whip, Compact Whip】
【Slash, Compact Slash, Charge Slash, Wave Slash, Heavy Slash】
【Thrust, Compact Thrust, Charge Thrust, Wave Thrust, Heavy Thrust】
【Shoot, Compact Shoot, Heavy Shoot】
【Block, Parry】
【Swing, Compact Swing, Charge Swing, Heavy Swing, Quake Swing】
Active Skills (with Correction)
【Climbing, Folly, Gesture, Flee, Cross Counter, Challenge, Dissolving Liquid, All-Out Throw】
【Tear, Precision Shot, Arms Craftsman, Multi-Weapon Style, Combat Dance, Assassination, Storm Strike, Raging Skill, Perforation, Strangulation】
【Super Leap, Staff of the Gods, Blast Dash, Telepathy, Mimicry, L (Lock-on) AIM, Curse】
Active Skills (without Correction)
【Cover, Storage, Transport, Weapon Storage, Replicant Form, Bewitching Sparkle, Stealth, Poison Hand】
【Escalating Warfare, Thousand Blades Burst, Territory, Clairvoyance, Regression, Trajectory Prediction, Repair Moonlight, Familiar】
Passive Skills (some active skills mixed in)
【Fleeing Instinct, Weapon Body, Flash Step, Concentration, Antibody, Mollusk, Parry, High-Speed Regeneration, Last Stand】
【Diving, Terrain Awareness, WWW (Waning and Waxing Wisdom), S (Sparkle) U (Aproot), U (Update), COM (Perfect Body)】