Commoner with Infinite Magic – Chapter 334

Thus, the Clover Count House’s first party was held.

The newly completed mansion made lavish use of its spacious grounds, and was completed as a structure of a scale disproportionate to a Count House.

Several tables were arranged in the vast garden, making it a standing-style party.

The party attendees were supposed to be a small group of only those related to the Clover Count House, but… all those invited were powerful figures of the Aiwood Kingdom.

“Welcome, here are the welcome drinks.”

“Thank you for coming. Please, enjoy yourselves.”

Viola and Primula took the lead in welcoming the arriving guests.

Viola was wearing a bright red dress, and Primula was wearing a light blue dress, and their gorgeous attire suited them very well.

“Ah, my daughters. It is an honor to be invited today.”

“You seem to be doing well. Keep up the good work.”

The first guests to arrive were Marquis Rosemary and his wife.

Both of them appeared in dignified suits and dresses befitting high-ranking nobles.

Rest, also dressed in a black tuxedo, greeted them politely.

“Father-in-law, Mother-in-law… thank you both for coming from so far away.”

“Well… it’s my daughter’s husband’s party. Of course, I would come.”

“Yes, are you getting along well with my daughters?”

“Of course.”

Rest nodded deeply to Marquis Rosemary and his wife… Albert and Airish.

“I am full of shortcomings. I am always helped by the two of them, and I am grateful.”

“I see… then that’s good.”

“Make sure to have at least three grandchildren each. Don’t worry, I’ll prepare a good midwife.”


Why would she say that here?

The words of Airish, spoken without embellishment, caused her husband, daughters, and son-in-law to fall silent.

“Huh? Why is it so quiet?”

“What’s wrong, everyone?”

New guests appeared at that moment.

Yuri Cattleya, wearing a light green one-piece dress. Celestine Crocus, wearing a white dress.

Behind Yuri and Celestine were three men in tuxedos.

Two of them were immediately recognizable. Marquis Cattleya, the Knight Commander, and Duke Crocus, the Chancellor.

The fathers of Yuri and Celestine… Duke Crocus had a gentle expression, but Marquis Cattleya had a sour look on his face as if he had bitten into a persimmon. He probably had complex feelings towards Rest because of Yuri.

(Both of them came… who is the last one?)

Rest had sent invitation letters to both Marquis Cattleya and Duke Crocus as a matter of courtesy… both of them were busy people.

He had expected that he would only receive polite letters of refusal.

“Welcome, thank you for coming.”

“Um… who is that person…?”

“He is our companion.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Count Clover. I am Count Walnut.”

A middle-aged man with a beard said solemnly.

The title of ‘Count’ meant that he was of equal status to Rest, but his strange dignity had a depth that did not allow him to be treated lightly.

(What is it… could he be a bigger deal than I imagined?)

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Count Clover. Thank you for coming all this way.”

Rest did not know who Count Walnut was, but he responded as politely as possible.

“I am still inexperienced, so I may have shortcomings, but I would appreciate your guidance.”

“Hmm, I look forward to working with you as well.”

Count Walnut nodded with satisfaction and extended his hand.

Rest responded to the handshake and grasped the other’s hand.



For some reason, an air of relief emanated from Albert, Marquis Cattleya, and Duke Crocus, who were nearby.

Judging from their reaction… it seemed that he was indeed someone who could not be treated with disrespect.

“Please, enjoy yourselves.”

“Here are the welcome drinks.”

Viola and Primula also greeted them politely and handed them glasses of drinks.

“Thank you, ladies.”

“Then, Count Walnut. This way…”


Count Walnut walked to a corner of the party venue with Duke Crocus and Marquis Cattleya.

Albert and Airish followed them and began to chat.

After that, guests continued to arrive one after another.

His classmates, Ruid Jistal, Maurice Louis, and Will Edalut.

His comrade-in-arms, Wilhelm Lübesse, who also had territory in the plains that were being developed.

The Student Council and Executive Committee members, Andrew Aiwood, Yusugos Beturas, Riranda Maka, Isis Carbelt, and Jack Ygroot.

“She came.”

And… Urura Lavender, who was currently a source of trouble.

Urura was accompanied by her usual maid, and next to her was Loser Baron Lavender.

“…Welcome, thank you for coming. Baron Lavender, Miss Urura.”

Viola responded with a slight hint of tension.

If it were just Urura, she wouldn’t have been so on edge, but with Baron Lavender present, she couldn’t afford to show any weakness.

Baron Lavender was a potential political enemy of the moderates, including Marquis Rosemary. He was a disturbing element who disrupted the peace of the country by advocating for aggressive foreign expeditions.

“Hoh hoh hoh, it is an honor to be invited, Count Clover.”

“Thank you for coming…”

“I am sorry that I could not provide sufficient hospitality the other day. When you come next time, please do stay longer.”

“…Of course.”

Baron Lavender smiled like a kindly old man.

Looking at him like this, he looked like nothing more than a good-natured old man, but as always, it was impossible to know what he was thinking.

“That’s Baron Lavender…?”

“Loser Lavender… is that really him?”

Meanwhile, Albert and Marquis Cattleya frowned slightly in a distant location.

Duke Crocus also had a difficult expression, and the three of them looked perplexed.

“I will enjoy myself today. Hoh hoh hoh.”

In any case… most of the invited guests had arrived, and the Clover Count’s first party was underway.

The ceremony commemorating the completion of the mansion had uninvited guests, and it opened with a lively, yet ominous, atmosphere.

[New Work Posted]
Golden Annihilator
~The Incompetent Hero Who Was Abandoned, But When He Threw Money, the Castle Collapsed~

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