Commoner with Infinite Magic – Chapter 345

Episode 344: The Advance Party and the Oni Brother

Rest and his five guards joined the advance party.
About a thousand soldiers had already gathered at the assembly point outside the Royal Capital.

“Oh, it’s Lübesse.”

Wilhelm Lübesse, the ‘Sword Saint Who Dislikes Women’ with whom he had shared drinks after the military council the other day, was there.
There were several guards around Wilhelm as well. Rest didn’t know their names, but he had seen their faces before. They were students from the Department of Knights.


As soon as Lübesse’s eyes met Rest’s, he looked away, somewhat awkwardly.
It seemed he remembered when he had collapsed while drunk.

(It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I think it’s good to have one or two weaknesses, it makes you more endearing.)

He’s not good with women and can’t even talk to them, and he loses consciousness after just one sip of weak alcohol.
He has more weaknesses than one might expect. Despite being an exceptional swordsman.

“There are more familiar faces than I thought…”

Among the participants in the advance party, there were nobles and knights whom he had met at social gatherings. There were many people he knew.

“Ah… You must be Count Clover.”

In the midst of all this, a man called out to him.
It was Bareya Cattleya, the vice-commander of the Knight Order, who had also been present at the military council the other day.
Bareya was in charge of the advance party, and would become the supreme commander against foreign tribes after arriving at the border fortress.

“It’s… Vice-Commander. I look forward to working with you from today.”

“Likewise… I’ve heard the rumors. Your achievements are well-known.”

Bareya was in his early twenties.
It was very young for someone holding the position of number two in the Knight Order.
It might be due to the fact that he was the eldest son of Marquis Cattleya, the Knight Commander, but… it was rumored that his pure skill was a major factor.

(The young vice-commander. A close aide to the Crown Prince, and the man who is certain to become the next Knight Commander… He really does have an aura that can’t be underestimated.)

“From the subjugation of the Magical Beast Sabnock to your activities in the recent Civil War… Your work has been truly wonderful. Let us continue to support the Aiwood Kingdom together.”

“Yes, of course…”

As he answered, Rest felt a subtle, piercing tension in the air.

(Huh… It’s not just an aura that can’t be underestimated, is he openly hostile?)

His tone was calm.
The content of his words wasn’t hostile, but his tone of voice was strangely heavy.
It was as if he was being pressured. He felt a strange pressure from every word.


“By the way… How is Yuri doing?”


There, Rest belatedly realized.
Being the son of Marquis Cattleya meant… that Bareya was Yuri Cattleya’s brother.

“That girl is naive, so I’m worried she might be causing trouble for you. I’m worried she might be deceived by bad people.”

You wouldn’t be taking advantage of my sister’s naivety, would you?

“If anything happens to her, I’ll have to clean up the mess immediately. Tell me right away.”

If you do anything to Yuri, be prepared for me to take care of you immediately.

A mysterious sub-audio could be heard from behind his calm words.
It might have been Rest’s imagination, but… Bareya’s gaze was intense. Very intense.

“From now on, please get along with my sister in moderation… My father has approved of it, and I intend to do what I can for my sister…”

If you lay a hand on my sister, I won’t let you get away with it… My father may have approved, but I don’t remember approving it!

“I will do my best to improve my relationship with your sister with all sincerity…”

“Good. I’m counting on you.”

Bareya reached out for a handshake.
Rest lowered his head and shook his hand, and Bareya gripped it with tremendous force.
If he hadn’t used Body Enhancement and Hardening magic beforehand, the bones in his hand might have been crushed.


Bareya clicked his tongue softly and walked away, unable to crush his hand.
Rest activated Healing to heal his aching hand, and watched him go.

“He was an intense older brother…”

“I’ve heard that Marquis Cattleya and his son dote on their sheltered daughter… It seems it’s true.”

Dibble, who had watched the whole thing, gave a wry smile.
He had heard that Yuri was staying at the Clover Count House with her father’s permission.
However, it seemed that her brother Bareya was not convinced.

“Come to think of it… Yuri has other brothers, doesn’t she…”

“The second brother, Carylus Cattleya, is at the border fortress, and the third brother, Toya Cattleya, is also participating in the advance party. I hope this doesn’t lead to trouble…”

“Don’t set up flags… I really feel like something’s going to happen…!”

Rest shuddered, feeling an indescribable chill.
Rest’s morale dropped even before the battle began, thanks to Dibble’s words.

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