Former Hero Stripped of Powers Still Overpowered – Chapter 56

Before Departure – Ferno & Lulu

“Ferno-sama, about how much do we have now?”
“Considering the extra consumption and the daily changes, it’s about three weeks’ worth. If we consume at the same pace as last time, it should last for a little less than a month.”
“I see, so we need a little more?”
“Yeah, let’s gather about two or three more types. After that, it’ll be normal food.”
“We have some from last time, right? It’s been a while, but it should be fine to eat.”
“Then that’s settled.”

Around noon, when the sun had passed its midpoint.
Ferno, looking at the memo, bag, and wallet in his hand, and Lulu, walking with a light, rhythmic step while thinking, were walking down the main street.

“What is it?”
“How about some sweets?”
“It depends on what it is… but that should be fine. Shall we buy it?”
“Yes, let’s buy it.”
“Then let’s buy it. Is this much enough?”
“That’s too much. About half of that should be fine.”
“Is that so? I feel like more is better.”
“Even if it’s sweets, too much is no good, you know? It’s better to have a little less than the bare minimum.”
“Is that so? Then this much is fine.”
“Yes, then I’ll go buy it.”

The two of them were exuding a cheerful and gentle atmosphere.
They weren’t facing any urgent matters related to battle, it was just a simple shopping trip, and since they didn’t prioritize themselves except under specific conditions, a relaxed atmosphere flowed between them.

Lulu decided what to buy and went to purchase it, while Ferno handed over the money and carried the purchased items in a bag. They clearly divided their roles like that, and Lulu taught Ferno about shopping.
Ferno, who had basically lived like a barbarian, tried to pay with a handful of money, while Lulu, who had experience in household chores, forced him to learn.
Rather than being companions with a superior-subordinate relationship or lovers who scolded each other for wasting money, they had an atmosphere like a parent and child or siblings as they went shopping.

“I’m back, please take it.”
“Alright, how about that?”
“I bought a lot, so they gave me a bonus. Which one is better?”
“Is that so? Well, I’m in the mood for lemon, so please have the strawberry.”
“I’ll take it… It’s an ice treat, delicious.”
“It is. They just started selling it, but it doesn’t seem to be selling well.”
“It’s just not widespread yet. With this taste, it’ll become popular soon.”
“It seems like it.”

The two of them walked slowly down the street, eating the ice candies they received as a bonus.
Stella and Rio were having a lesson while gathering information, and Fana and Fon were indulging in their habits and preferences under the guise of preparation. The two pairs had completely different atmospheres as they proceeded with their preparations.

“Did you buy dried meat?”
“Dried meat? …Not yet, the one from that place?”
“Yes. It’s reasonably priced.”
“Then let’s buy it. Is this much enough?”
“Yes, then I’ll go buy it.”
“Alright. I’ll hold onto it for now.”
“Thank you.”


“Here is the limited whole cake with all toppings increased. And here is the assortment of eighteen kinds of vegetable-style sweet cakes.”
“Ah, I appreciate it. What should I do when I’m done eating?”
“The payment has already been received, so please leave the plates as they are and exit the store.”
“I see, understood. I’m grateful.”
“No, the drinks are over there, so please help yourself. Then, please enjoy to your heart’s content.”
“Thank you.”

The time was after the peak of the tea time after lunch.
In a cafe at the corner of the Royal Capital, where there were many customers coming and going. In a seat at the back where there were few people, Ferno and Lulu were receiving the cakes that had been brought to them.
Lulu received a huge whole cake with a diameter of over 20 centimeters, topped with lots of fruits and sweets. Ferno received a mountain of cakes, one piece each of 18 different kinds with various decorations.
Although it was a place with few people, the two of them had ordered cakes of a scale that would not normally be ordered and were calmly receiving them, drawing the attention of the people in the cafe.
And both of them poured coffee into their cups without milk or sugar, returned to their seats, quietly picked up their forks, cut off bite-sized pieces, and brought them to their mouths to eat.

“It’s delicious.”
“It’s indeed vegetable-style, the sweetness is moderate and easy to eat.”
“This one also has a lot of baked goods for its size and is easy to eat.”
“…Should we take some home?”
“Hmm, there’s also the deliciousness that comes from being freshly made, so how about bringing everyone here another day?”
“That might be better.”
“Yes. That way, everyone can eat what they like.”

Ferno and Lulu were having a conversation in a cheerful atmosphere.
They didn’t seem to be eating in a hurry, nor did they seem to be making a mess. They were eating calmly and carefully, yet the mountain of cakes in front of them, which was much more than what a normal person would eat, was steadily decreasing.
The surrounding people were quietly murmuring at the sight. The two of them didn’t pay any attention to them as they ate their cakes, drank their coffee, and continued their conversation.

“By the way.”
“…What is it?”
“Why was I the one who accompanied you on today’s shopping trip?”
“It’s not because you’re in charge of food-related matters, is it?”
“Yes. I’m basically in charge of that, and it’s more often that you take Fana-sama or the young lady, but why was it me today?”
“Well, if I had to say, there’s no clear reason. Just a feeling, just a feeling.
Stella took Rio and Fana took Fon, and there was no urgent business, so I could have just relaxed at the mansion… but I just didn’t feel like it.”
“I see, so I was just a convenient woman.”
“That’s a bad way to put it. Did I offend you?”
“No, I think it’s very Ferno-sama-like.”
“Is that so? Then that’s good… Oh, the coffee’s gone. I’ll go refill it, do you need anything?”
“Then, may I also have a refill of coffee?”
“Sure. Then I’ll go refill it.”
“Please do.”

“By the way, there’s something I wanted to ask.”
“What is it? Is it about the pact you made with the young lady?”
“That’s it… Did you notice?”
“On that day, the young lady had broken away from her family. It was easy to guess that something had happened, and if such a clear bite mark was left on the young lady’s neck, any Beast-folk would know.”
“…I see. You noticed.”
“Then I’ll ask, what is the true purpose of that pact?”
“It seems like you haven’t heard from the young lady. Then I’ll tell the young lady later, so please hear the details from her. I’ll just tell you simply.”
“That pact is different from marriage or other rituals of mutual recognition. It’s an act of offering oneself to the person one should follow, based on the instincts of a Beast-folk.
It transcends love, affection, respect, and worship. It’s about offering everything from instinct, looking up to the other as one’s master, and vowing to live as their fang and claw.”
“Hmm… Is it similar to a fairy contract in terms of type?”
“Yes. Compared to a fixed fairy contract where one literally offers their life, there is no clear form, but the type is the same.”
“I see… That’s heavy.”
“It is heavy, you know? But I think it’s light compared to what Ferno-sama is carrying.”
“No, the weight of life doesn’t change. Every life is heavy to bear, without superiority or inferiority.”
“Fufufu, that’s true.”

“Oh, that’s right. There’s something I’ve been wondering about too.”
“What is it?”
“Why doesn’t Ferno-sama get married, or rather, why don’t you try to be among the men and women who have been intimate? It seems like you didn’t do anything like that when you came back in the morning the other day.”
“Ah, that.”
“Are you often asked that?”
“Yeah, I’m often asked, and it’s not something to say in a place like this, but I’m often invited.”
“I see, then why is that?”
“There are various reasons, but the biggest reason is that I don’t have the confidence to take on the responsibility. I believe that if I become intimate in any form, I need to take responsibility, but because I’m throwing myself into battle and risking my life, I can’t say for sure.
Well, as for the other day, that wasn’t the purpose, and the situation of the person I spent the night with was what it was.”
“So, you don’t have relationships?”
“Yeah. Of course, there are other reasons, and sometimes those reasons are bigger, but basically, that’s the reason.”
“Then, is that the reason why you don’t make a lover?”
“No, that’s different, it’s another reason.”
“Is that so?”
“Ah. Well, that’s not really something to talk about here, or while sober, so ask me again over drinks.”
“Is that so~, understood~.”

We chatted, occasionally bringing up some rather graphic topics, and about a dozen minutes after entering the cafe and receiving our cakes. After calmly finishing the ridiculous amount of cake, we spent about an hour enjoying our after-meal coffee before leaving the cafe.
Then, we set off to buy supplies in preparation for the Great Elf Forest.