Kind-Hearted Psychopath Uncle – Chapter 24

Kageichi Futsuu dislikes trouble.
Most sources of stress stem from human relationships, and Kageichi’s desire is to avoid contact with others as much as possible, provided it doesn’t interfere with his life.

However, collaborators are necessary for work.
If they don’t disrupt his life and have the potential to be helpful in the future, investing in them beforehand isn’t a bad idea—he reiterates to Kiraboshi, who sits looking uncomfortable.

“Kiraboshi-san, your appeal is your age. In other words, your potential, your growth rate… I apologize for stating the obvious, but the younger you are when challenging a Dungeon, the higher your final strength will be.”
“Growth… are you sure something so vague is okay?”
“It’s not vague at all; it’s natural. Ordinary companies hire rookies because they’re buying into their future potential, right?”

For Kageichi, a former office worker, this is a matter of course (excluding black companies).

“Sensei, you think I have potential?”
“I don’t know. However, I believe you have the possibility.”

In addition, though he doesn’t say it… he and she share similar values.

Yesterday, while clearing the Dungeon, she burned the bullies…
Not many people would choose to attack someone in that situation.

Most people are stopped by brakes like goodwill or guilt before resorting to aggression.
No matter how violent your fantasies are in your head, the hurdle to actually carrying them out is high.

But she did it without hesitation.
And not in a reserved way, but as if to thoroughly destroy everything.

Kageichi’s assessment of the person called “Kiraboshi Yoshiko” is that she is pure, earnest, and righteous.
However, that earnestness is a distorted thing, confined in a cramped cage.
Once the chains are removed, the beast smoldering deep within her heart might bare its ferocious fangs—?

This is just speculation, though.

“With that in mind, if you wish to study under me, please promise me two things… One is to grow steadily each day and become capable of fighting. There’s no need to rush your growth, but I’d be troubled if you stagnated too much. Of course, it’s fine to balance it with your school life, so let’s take it easy. The target is three years.”
“Three years…”
“It’s a long time for a high school student, but for a working adult, three years pass in the blink of an eye. Besides, there’s a possibility that the ‘Final Boss’ will appear in a few years.”
“Final Boss?”
“It’s a future story. Don’t worry about it… And the second thing is.”

He raises his second finger.
Something that must be exchanged when contracting with others.

“Don’t betray me. There’s no need to put it into words, but I hate heartless betrayal the most.”
“Of course, there may be times when we consult and find that our directions differ, leading to a parting of ways. You and I are different people, and it’s natural for our ways of life and policies to diverge. However, even in that case, I want you to at least consult with me. I will not show mercy to anyone who unilaterally betrays me—reneges on the contract, ignores me, or commands me with a threatening attitude.”

For Kageichi, who values discipline, that is an act tantamount to a death sentence.
Naturally, the deeper the promise one has made with him, the deeper the sin becomes.

Kiraboshi leans forward, about to say, “O-of cour—” but stops herself.

“…What should I keep in mind to keep that promise?”
“The fact that you didn’t easily say ‘I understand’ is a high score… However, ‘betrayal’ is vaguely defined, so it’s difficult to draw up a contract.”

He proposed it, but what should he do?
If it were a company, he could draw up a contract with monetary consent, and the breaching party would be held liable for illegal activity, but hmm.

As Kageichi ponders, stroking his chin, which is rare for him,

“Kageichi-san, how about planting that explosion Trap on my body?”
“…What do you mean?”
“If Sensei judges that I’ve betrayed you, it explodes.”
“That’s an interesting idea, but let’s refrain from that. Because there’s a possibility that I might go crazy and harm you.”
“I think you’d be fine, Kageichi-san…”
“As a human, I can’t escape mistakes. Perfect people don’t exist in this world.”

Kageichi Futsuu doesn’t see himself as absolute.
Judgment errors due to emotional turmoil are also conceivable.

However, he understood her spirit.

Well, if he places too much emphasis on the order not to betray him, it will become a constraint on the other party.
If he has accepted her as a disciple, he should embrace betrayal as one of the risks, after judging it.

“Then, let’s make the above a verbal agreement.”
“Is that alright?”
“Defining betrayal too meticulously will only reduce work performance. There are many cases where it’s better to have some flexibility and respond each time a problem arises.”

To think that what he learned during his corporate slave days would be useful in this way.
Life is unpredictable, Kageichi thinks as he straightens his tie, puts down his cup, and takes a breath.

“That’s all I have to say. I’ll contact you again later regarding the detailed contract terms and future training plans.”

Then, he exchanged SNS contacts with her, which she usually uses.
He also had her register for a schedule app and decided to share days that seemed to work.
Apparently, she’s on spring break now, so she has time.

He doesn’t know what kind of growth she will achieve in the future.
It’s Kageichi’s first time taking on a direct disciple, so he’s racking his brains about how to handle it…

Well, now that he’s decided to take it on, he has no choice but to do it.
He should take responsibility for his own words.
He can determine whether she will truly become an excellent person later.

“Do you have any other questions?… Asking that makes it sound like a company job interview.”
“No, I’m fine, but… Ah, but.”
“What is it? I’ll listen to anything, at least for the first request.”

Tips for fighting in Dungeons. Tips for manipulating Magical Power. Tips for activating Skills.
The Cleaner’s income, efficient ways to conceal murder within Dungeons, anything—

“Is it okay if I call you… Sensei, Kageichi-san?”
“Calling you Senpai feels strange. Shishou is also fine, but.”

Sensei. Sensei, huh.
It’s quite an embarrassing issue, but hmm.

“I don’t mind. Sensei is fine. Well, I don’t know what kind of Sensei I am.”
“A Sensei of life, perhaps?”
“If you take me as a reference, your life won’t turn out well. Well, that’s up to you, Kiraboshi-san… And speaking of which, shall we discuss work for tomorrow and beyond?”

If the discussion is settled, the sooner the better.
Kageichi takes out a tablet from his bag and introduces her to the next job.

“Actually, I have a job reservation in a week. Until then, Kiraboshi-san, I want you to first do basic Magical Power manipulation training and procure equipment, and then participate in this job.”
“Y-yes… So, what’s the next job?”
“The income is small, but it’s a government-approved job.”

The next target is displayed.
It is the largest public Dungeon in Kageichi’s neighborhood—

“The Rank S Dungeon ‘Nagi Plains’ connected to the station. That will be our next workplace.”

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