Mountain Internet Saintess – Chapter 168

The fairies evolved, and they were all Legendary Fairies.

“You guys are amazing,” I said.

There were many fairies around me.
But they were all doll-sized, fitting in the palm of my hand. And they all had blank expressions.
I couldn’t believe they were legendary beings.

Sinri: Is this where the “you shouldn’t be the one to say that” thread is today?

“Are you really the Supreme God, saying that with that appearance…?”
“Ugh… sharp retort.”

Seira took a Gnome in her hand.

“They really are amazing fairies. Gnomes and Leprechauns, too.”
“Hmm… even so, they just look like cute fairies to me…”

Then the Leprechaun looked up at me.

“Are we going to lose our… necks?”

The Leprechaun said with teary eyes.

“No, no, why would that happen?”
“Is our ability… doubtful? Useless? Demotion? Are we going to be window-dressing?”

Apparently, they thought their abilities were being questioned.
And that they would be kicked out.

“I won’t kick you out.”
“Even if we’re just lazing about?”

“Yeah. I’m not having any problems.”

I mean, I really don’t need them to work.

“But we want to be useful.”
“Oh, really?”
“Super useful!”

The Leprechaun hopped off my palm.
It seemed like they were saying they would show me their power.

“Your power… what can you do?”

I was a little curious. If they could be that useful.

“Compared to God, we’re just trash…”

The Leprechaun slumped, dejected.

“It’s okay, don’t compare yourself to an irregularity like Mika.”
“Show her your power. We won’t compare you to that monster, Lord Mika.”

Seira and Oberon said in unison.
You guys? Aren’t you using strange furigana? Oh well.

“Power… reveal!”

The Leprechaun said, flexing its tiny arms.
Oh, what kind of power will they show me?

“Being stared at makes me shy.”
“Eh? You’re embarrassed?”
“My concentration will be broken.”

Ah, I see.
I turned my back to the Leprechaun.

I heard a “clang, clang, clang” sound coming from somewhere.
Eventually, the sound stopped.

“Can I look now?”
“You can look now.”

When I turned around, there was a beautiful Glass Slipper.

“Oh my, a lovely Glass Slipper.”

It was a magnificent Glass Slipper, like something out of a fairy tale.
It sparkled like a jewel. Hmm, so pretty.

“But can anyone wear this shoe?”
“Shall we try it on?”
“Ah, okay… can I try it on?”
“Please do.”

Apparently, it was okay, so I’ll try it on.
But since it’s made of glass, I thought it might be a little hard to wear…

“Oh, it’s surprisingly comfortable.”

Even though it was glass, it wasn’t hard at all. The size shrunk to fit the shape of my foot.
I stomped my foot. It felt like I was stepping on a soft cushion.

“This is really good.”
“Great, I’ll take it!”

The Leprechaun did a joyful somersault on the spot. Cute.
I patted the Leprechaun’s head.
But, well, honestly…

Sinri: Honestly, aren’t you surprised by what they made?

Sinri-san is sharp, as expected.

“Huh…? What are you talking about…?”
“Eh, ah, yeah. I think it’s a really nice shoe with a really comfortable fit. But, you know.”

“You can just make the same thing if you imagine it, right?”

A stretchable Glass Slipper appeared in front of me with a “pop.”

“That’s it!”
“It’s because you’re weird…!”

The Tsukkomi Sisters chimed in.

“You can’t make it! How much Enchantment Magic do you think is on this?!”
“That’s right! In addition to being stretchable, it has resistance enhancements and… 100 enchantments!”


“Isn’t that a little low…?”
“It’s a lot…!!!!!!”

Seira sighed.

“You know, enchanting things with magic is actually really difficult, right? I explained it before, but…”

Did you?

Sinri: Seira explained it to you quite early on.
Master forgot it in an instant, though ♡

Yeah, I forgot…

“But enchanting with magic, if you just imagine it…”
“You can’t do it…! You’re the only one who can do it by imagining…!”

“O-oh, right…”

Enchanting objects with magic is apparently very difficult.
Okay, Mika learned it.

Sinri: And then she immediately forgot.

That’s not true. That’s not… I think. Probably.

“Am I… useless…”

The Leprechaun looked at me with teary eyes. Oh no! If I keep having this conversation, they’ll think they’re not amazing!

“You’re amazing! You’re amazing!”
“But compared to God, am I just dust?”

The Leprechaun slumped, dejected.

“That’s not true, don’t belittle yourself!”

Seira encouraged.

“You’re comparing yourself to the wrong thing. That thing over there is an Omniscient God, you know!”

That thing.

“That’s right, Leprechaun! You’re amazing! Don’t compare yourself to that thing that just has Omniscience!”

That thing that just has.

Sinri: Harsh, lol

Well, it’s true, though.
It’s not that I’m amazing, it’s that Omniscience is amazing. And it’s true that I’m not using it well.

Sinri: (`・ー・´) smug!

Why are you looking so smug, Sinri-kun…?

Sinri: A capable woman supporting a useless woman, that’s Sinri…!

“You and Mika are in the same category,” Seira retorted.

Sinri: !? A dunce…?

That’s indirectly saying I’m a dunce, you guys?

“Can you deny it?”
“I can’t.”

Well… anyway.

“It’s amazing to make something this amazing in an instant without Omniscience.”
“But compared to God…”

“Don’t compare yourself. To people. It’s a fact that you can do amazing things.”

When I smiled, the Leprechaun smiled brightly! Cute.

“From now on, I’ll make God’s shoes every day!”

Hmm… I don’t really need that many shoes…
Ah, that’s right.

“Hey, Seira, can you take these fairies down to the lower world? I think it would be better for them to make shoes for everyone than for me.”

In the lower world, there are people hunting Monsters and artisans.
It would be better to make footwear for them. I’m fine with just having shoes to wear normally.

“Okay, but make sure you tell them not to overdo it.”

“Because if they make so many of these crazy shoes, bad guys will come in to profit from them, right?”

Ah, I see…

“Then, instead of making new shoes, how about improving the shoes that the people of Ende are wearing?”
“Hmm… well, they’re not mass-produced and sold… but still, tell them to be careful not to overdo it. If they let their power run wild, like Mika, it’ll be a problem.”

Let their power run wild?
Come on.

“When have I ever let my power run wild…?”

Seira had a dumbfounded look on her face. Eh? Eh? No way. Have I… been letting it run wild?

Sinri: Lol at a woman who hasn’t learned after messing up 167 times

What’s 167 times…?
Eh, is this world a manga or anime…? No way…

“Lord Mika. The Leprechaun is very enthusiastic. Please tell them not to overdo it.”

The Leprechaun was on Oberon’s palm.

“Full of motivation.”

The Leprechaun stretched out and flexed both arms.

“Um… take it easy, okay? Don’t cause trouble by overdoing it, okay?”

Sinri: You shouldn’t be the one to say that, lol

“It has a different weight when Mika says it.”
“Lord Mika, please engrave those words in your heart.”

Everyone’s trust in me is amazing (in reverse).

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