The flying ship, Air Bird, was complete.
I, Oberon, and Sinri were headed to the southern country of Photuatua.
“Whoa… it’s fast.”
We were in the cockpit of the Air Bird.
Inside the sci-fi-esque cockpit was a massive monitor.
Images of the surroundings were displayed on the monitor.
The Air Bird was moving at an incredible speed. Before I knew it, we were out at sea.
“A ship that can be controlled just by thinking… amazing… and a ship that can move this fast… I’ve never seen anything like it…”
Oberon had a look of astonishment on her face.
As a resident of this other world, it must be her first time seeing an airplane (well, not exactly an airplane).
“But, isn’t it dangerous to fly through the sky this fast? We might hit a bird or something.”
Compared to reality, there aren’t many people flying in this world (there are no airplanes, and only a limited number of people can use Flight Magic).
Still, it’s quite possible that the Air Bird could collide with a bird and crash.
That’s what Oberon was worried about. What a kind girl.
“Allow me to explain.”
With a shun, a woman teleported in front of the cockpit.
“It’s Sinri.”
It was Sinri-san, the Home Security Guard.
“Since when could you use Teleportation Magic?”
“I can’t. However, as a Digital Spirit, I can move anywhere there are electronic devices.”
“Isn’t that Teleportation Magic?”
“No. It’s a different principle.”
“What principle?”
“It’s a bit difficult for a simpleton like you to understand.”
Wow, she’s getting cocky. Well, whatever.
“Why did you come here, Sinri?”
“To respond immediately in case of any accidents with the Air Bird.”
I see… Certainly, I don’t have the confidence to fix such a precision machine if it breaks.
It’s not something that can be fixed by tapping it.
Her personality is… something, but it’s better to have Sinri, the High-Performance AI, by our side. Even though her personality is… something.
“Supporting my boss by going to the site… how about it? I’m quite the capable woman, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah. So, what’s the real reason…?”
There’s no way this shut-in would go outside unless there was a special reason…
“It’s nothing. It’s not like I thought Oberon’s Omnipresence was being a pain in the ass telling me to work, or anything like that, definitely not.”
Ah, I see…
“But Oberon herself is here, isn’t she?”
“The main Oberon by Master’s side is too busy paying attention to Master’s eccentricities to bother me.”
Well, Oberon always comments on or is surprised by everything I do. So, she’s completely focused on me.
“I can slack off more freely… I mean, work more efficiently by Master’s side.”
“Oberon-sensei. This one was trying to slack off freely.”
Oberon glared at Sinri.
“Work… do.”
She’s finally using the imperative form…
“This is absurd. In the Mika Harem’s hierarchy, I’m number two after Master. How can I be bossed around by a newbie…?”
What’s the Mika Harem…? I’m a woman, though…?
“Anyway, getting back to the topic… Sinri, are birds okay? The Air Bird is flying really fast.”
“No problem. I’m using the Omniscient and Omnipotent (Internet) to search for a safe route that avoids collisions.”
If we’re about to hit something while flying, she changes the route accordingly.
“Right? Unlike Master, my brain is high-performance, you see. Ehem.”
I don’t really get annoyed even when Sinri insults me.
Well… Sinri-chan is an infant, after all. It’s like a baby babbling. She’s cute.
“Master? Are you thinking something rude?”
“You dodged it with a laugh! But I can use the Omniscient and Omnipotent (Internet) to search even Master’s heart… let’s see… what!? An infant!?”
The Omniscient and Omnipotent (Internet) is really convenient.
To be able to search even my thoughts…
“That’s rude, Master! Calling Sinri-chan an infant!”
“But isn’t it true? You were just born the other day, right?”
“Even so, calling me an infant is rude! I’m a high-performance AI and a capable woman! Unlike Master, a 29-year-old chi— ouch ouch ouch!”
Oberon was pulling Sinri’s ear.
“Work, do.”
Sinri sat down in the Air Bird’s cockpit and connected to the machine.
…I just noticed, when she put her hand on the sphere that serves as the Air Bird’s control stick, patterns appeared on her face.
Blue lines extending from her hand ran along her cheek and towards her eyes.
“What’s this?”
“A pseudo-Magic Power Path. By connecting to the machine with Magic Power, it’s possible to share the five senses with the Air Bird.”
“Hee… I see.”
“Yes… I’ll work. Please don’t put pressure on me from behind… Oberon Mama…”
Mama, huh?
Your mama is me, though…
Oberon sighed.
“Two troublesome babies…”
“Two? Who and who?”
“Sinri, how much longer until we arrive?”
“Oberon-san? I don’t think ignoring me is very nice…?”
Well… I can kind of imagine it. Taking care of a 29-year-old and a 0-year-old must be tough for Oberon Mama (not my problem).
“We can easily arrive by tomorrow.”
“Ten days by ship, but one day… what an amazing ship.”
Sinri smirked.
“That’s one day choosing a safe route and without putting a burden on the people inside. If I get serious, we can arrive in a few hours.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Yes. If a high-performance AI gets serious, it’s possible to arrive in a few hours on a safe route.”
“Oh, you’re good.”
“I know, right? I’ll show you.”
“W-wait… what!?”
Before we could stop her, Sinri put her hand on the control stick.
Gyun! We were blown backward with tremendous force!
We crashed into the wall.
“W-what G-force…”
“I’m being compressed by an invisible force!? What is this!?”
“Um, I think the Air Bird is flying at an incredible speed…”
That’s why I feel such a strong G-force from the front…!
“Sinri! Stop it!”
“Hahahaha! It’s okay, Master. I’ve already searched and there’s nothing on the route!”
“That’s not the point! Oberon is suffering!”
The flight speed slowed down.
The G-force suddenly disappeared.
Ugh… I feel a little sick.
“How is it, Master? With a high-performance AI installed, you can fly this fast, you know?”
A reduced map was displayed on the monitor.
In that one moment, we had covered about one-tenth of the route. It can fly that fast…
“Anyone can just increase the speed. But to increase the speed while staying on course is something only a high-performance AI can do… fugyan!“
Oberon Mama hit Sinri on the head.
“Y-you hit me…! Even my mother (Master) has never hit me! Fugyan!“
Oberon was mercilessly hitting Sinri…
“O-Oberon… that’s enough… it’s the Reiwa era, so that kind of violence isn’t good…”
“T-that’s right! Even the Nohara family has stopped using knuckle bumps and cheek pinches…!”
Oberon glared at me.
“It’s because Lord Mika is too lenient! That’s why this 0-year-old is getting cocky! You have to scold her when she does something wrong. Otherwise, she’ll become a bad child in the future!”
“A-ah, okay…”
Oberon… you’re quite the education mama…
Well, it’s true that Sinri looks down on me. Maybe it’s better to leave her education to Oberon Mama. Good luck, Sinri-chan.
“Proceed on a safe route. While doing that, also do the paperwork from Ende.”
“N-no way…! Then when am I supposed to play games!?”
“You… were trying to play games while piloting the Air Bird!?”
“Hii! I accidentally dug my own grave…!”
…Yeah. I’ll leave Sinri’s management, or rather, education, to Oberon Mama. Do your best, Sinri-chan.