“Well then… is there anyone who has a preference?”
As Tsuchiya said this, Mina was the first to raise her hand.
“U-Um, I, well, I’d like to team up with Tsuchiya-san.”
“I see…! I’m happy to hear that. Then, I’d be glad to have you.”
Tsuchiya looked a little relieved and happy at Mina’s words. It was the face of someone who had earned trust. ‘Good for him,’ Baka thought, feeling happy for him as if it were someone else’s business.
“Um, but if possible, I’d prefer another woman. I’m a little uneasy…”
“Oh? Then, I don’t mind joining. How about it?”
And with that, the third member was decided. This meant that Tsuchiya, Mina, and Venus would be the first team. Even Baka could understand something like ‘9 ÷ 3 = 3’. If they were dividing into three teams, then one team would have three people.
“Yay. I don’t mind being with Tsuchiya-san and Mina. …I absolutely don’t want to team up with any thugs.”
“Huh!? Are you talking about me!?”
…It seemed Venus didn’t like Hibana. ‘Don’t fight…’ Baka fretted.
Now then. With the first team decided, they had to decide the teams for the remaining six people.
“So, that leaves six people. …Well, Tama-san will end up being the only woman, but… do you have any preferences?”
Yo was the first to call out to Tama. Then, Tama thought for a moment before pointing at Yo and… Baka.
“Then, Yo. You and Kabashima-kun. Is that okay for the three of us?”
Yo and Baka were surprised by this.
“Ah, yeah. I don’t mind. But… could I ask for the reason, just in case?”
While Yo asked this, Baka was tilting his head, wondering, ‘Why me?’ Yes. For both Yo and Baka… or rather, for everyone else, Tama’s choice seemed quite strange.
“It’s simple. I don’t really care who I’m with.”
Tama said this with a curt attitude, and Yo chuckled. He seemed relieved.
“But, I’m interested in Kabashima-kun.”
But, when Tama said that, Baka’s heart skipped a beat!
“He’s obviously strange in many ways.”
“Ah, yeah…”
But, immediately after, she became quiet! And on top of that, he felt a little down! Being raised up and then dropped was a little painful!
“…Well, if he can break his collar, he’ll probably be useful.”
“Yeah! Leave it to me! If it can be solved with muscles, I can solve anything!”
“That’s scary in its own way…”
Well, for now, Baka was smiling broadly. Yo was a good guy, and Tama was a good person too. This group of three seemed like they could get along well!
…But, as for the remaining three.
“Well, that leaves Kaito, Hibana, and old man Amagi! …It’s like we’ve gathered all the bad personalities, are you guys going to be okay? Can you get along without fighting?”
“Oi, you Baka! Are you trying to get yourself killed here!? Huh!?”
“What’s with that! I’m most worried about you! Hibana, you seem like you’re always fighting!”
Baka was worried. He immediately voiced his concern, and got yelled at. This was also part of what he was worried about!
“Well, putting Kabashima-kun aside… how about it? Are the three of you okay?”
But, when Yo intervened, Hibana seemed to understand that it wasn’t wise to lose her temper here. She clicked her tongue and looked away, nodding.
“Yeah. I’m fine as long as I’m not with that bitch?”
“Oh, good. It seems we agree on this, at least.”
“Hmph, say what you want.”
It seemed Hibana and Venus didn’t get along. Baka was worried.
…But, ‘Wait? Does that mean Hibana doesn’t mind being with me!?’ he thought, feeling a little happy. Maybe Hibana was just quick to anger, but was actually a good person.
“…Honestly, I’m just anxious.”
Next, Yo confirmed with Kaito, and received a very reasonable opinion.
“But… well, it’s fine. It’s better than being dragged down by that Baka over there.”
“Ehhh… do you hate me that much…?”
“Let me tell you, I still don’t trust you. If I enter the same door as you, I think there’s a good chance I’ll be killed there.”
“I won’t kill you! Do you have so little faith in me!? Well, I guess you don’t!”
It was a little shocking to be hated by Kaito, but well, it couldn’t be helped. ‘You know what!? Trust is something you build up little by little! Don’t think you’ll be trusted suddenly!’ the foreman had said.
“How about Amagi-san?”
And then, Yo called out to Amagi last. Then, Amagi glanced at Yo.
“…Ah, I don’t mind. And you’re Yo, right? I have something to talk about.”
“Come with me.”
While Yo and everyone else were dumbfounded, Amagi turned his back and walked away. Towards the stairs that Baka had climbed up. The bottom of the stairs was completely submerged, but he probably intended to talk before that. Or rather, there was no other place where they could talk alone.
Yo looked at Tama, looking a little troubled. Tama shrugged. Seeing that, Yo seemed to have made up his mind, and quietly followed Amagi to the stairs.
“Then, I’ll go too.”
“No, you should stop. It looks like there’s something going on there.”
Baka tried to go too, but Venus stopped him. Baka felt a little lonely, like he was being left out, but well, it was okay for old man Amagi to have something going on, he thought, giving up.
After a while, Yo and Amagi returned. Yo had an indescribable expression, but when Baka asked, ‘Are you okay? Are you being bullied?’ he replied with a smile, ‘Ah, I’m fine.’ Baka felt like he was being given a little consideration. Baka wasn’t completely oblivious to these things.
“Next. Hibana. I have something to talk about.”
“…Huh? What does the old man want with me?”
“Just come. There’s no time.”
And furthermore, it seemed Amagi had something to do with Hibana. Hibana was quite confused by Amagi, who turned his back and walked away again, but eventually, she stomped towards the stairs.
“…I wonder what’s going on.”
“Who knows…”
Feeling a little uneasy, Baka waited with the other six people again.
…While they were doing that, the hands of the clock moved forward… and then, the room lit up.
‘Day’ had come. At the same time, the nine doors facing the walls of the Great Hall glowed. It seemed they could now enter.
“It’s time. Let’s go call Amagi-san and Hibana.”
Yo looked towards Amagi and Hibana, who hadn’t returned yet, and started walking towards them. …It seemed they had to play some kind of ‘Game’ beyond the doors. Naturally, they should enter as quickly as possible to make the time until night as long as possible.
And Baka also felt like, ‘Let’s hurry!’ He was fidgeting, looking at where Yo had gone, towards Amagi and Hibana.
Then, Amagi returned. Just as Yo approached, Amagi returned to the Great Hall without listening to Yo, and…
“Well then, farewell. I’m sorry, but I’ll go ahead.”
…He opened the door of day that was there, entered alone, and closed the door.
While everyone was dumbfounded, Hibana immediately followed and banged on the door. But the door that Amagi had just closed didn’t budge.
The light that had been on the door had disappeared. It seemed that doors that had been ‘opened and closed once’ would no longer open.
“That… that old man, what is he thinking! Hey! Amagi! You!”
There was no reply to Hibana’s shout. After confirming that, Hibana clicked her tongue and kicked the door, then started pacing around in frustration.
“Wha… Amagi went alone!? Even though it was decided that he would team up with me and Hibana!? Seriously, he’s so selfish! I don’t want to be like that…!”
Kaito, of course, was also supposed to be on the same team as Amagi, just like Hibana. He was frustrated at being left behind. It was natural, Baka thought.
“Hey, Yo. Did old man Amagi not understand the rules…?”
“N-No… I think he did it knowing the rules. I don’t know his intentions, though…”
Next to Baka, who was worried, Yo looked a little gloomy. …He had just talked to Amagi, so there must be something going on…
“Hibana. What did you talk about with Amagi!? Tell me!”
And on the other hand, Venus was pressing Hibana. Hibana had also been called by Amagi, and they had been talking until just before, so it was thought that something was going on.
“H-Huh!? We didn’t talk about anything important! He just said something ridiculous like, ‘I don’t trust you’… ! I don’t even know why he called me in the first place!”
But Hibana said that, looking angry and confused.
Baka didn’t understand the situation well.
They had decided on teams, but Amagi ignored that and went alone. He didn’t understand what that meant, or why.
…But, even if he tried to ask someone, it didn’t seem like anyone could explain the situation.
Even the wise can be stumped sometimes. Baka nodded in understanding, gazing blankly at the door through which Amagi had disappeared.
“Well… I guess we have no choice but to move forward,” Tsuchiya said with a sigh, setting aside the Amagi shock. “Fortunately, there’s still one slot open in each of our rooms. Venus-san doesn’t seem to want to be with Hibana, so Hibana will join our team with Tama-san and Kabashima-kun, and Kaito will join Tsuchiya-san, Mina-san, and Venus-san’s team. Is that alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine with me. I’m in your care,” Yo replied.
“I don’t have any complaints either,” Baka added.
Kaito and Hibana, who had been left out, were absorbed into the other teams. It was a relief that the limit was four people per room. Baka hadn’t realized it until now, but when dividing nine people into three rooms, if the limit was four, they could go with 3-3-3, or even 1-4-4.
“Actually, I feel less anxious with this team. I’m grateful,” Kaito said.
“Tch, whatever,” Hibana retorted.
It seemed Kaito felt more secure in a group of four with Tsuchiya, Mina, and Venus than with Hibana and Amagi. He looked visibly relieved, so Baka smiled and thought, ‘Good for you.’
“Well… then, I’ll be in your care,” Hibana said.
And so, Hibana joined Yo, Tama, and Baka’s team. Baka, in turn, grabbed Hibana’s hand, which she had politely offered, and shook it vigorously, saying, “Nice to meet you!” He had learned from his boss that greetings were important.
“Okay… then, let’s meet again tonight. All of us,” Tsuchiya said.
“Yeah. You guys be careful too,” Yo replied.
Soon, Tsuchiya’s team entered one of the doors. They had apparently chosen the door next to the one Amagi had disappeared into.
“Well… shall we go too?” Yo said.
And so, Baka’s team also entered a door.
…Now, the so-called ‘Game’ was finally about to begin.
Beyond the door was a concrete room.
Inside, a maze was formed by walls made of iron bars.
But more than the shape of the room, there was something else that caught their attention first.
“…As expected of the devil’s work,” Tama muttered.
“I see, so that’s how it is… damn,” Yo cursed.
“W-what are we supposed to do about this, hey!” Hibana exclaimed, her face contorted. And then… Baka’s eyes lit up.
“Wow! A Lion! It’s a Lion!”
…Behind the iron bars, there was a Lion.