Only-Sense-Online – Chapter 72

“Well… I was chasing a white horse, and before I knew it, I jumped into a MOB nest. I couldn’t handle it, so I ran, and the numbers just kept increasing.”
Laina, looking dejected, lowers her head, and I speak to her in a gentle voice, as if to reason with her.
“This time, it was okay because Emiri-san and I were there, but do you understand that if you encountered another player, it would become MPK?”
Monster Player Kill
“Let’s be careful so that doesn’t happen again. But, you endured that many. That’s amazing, Laina.”
When I praise her honestly, Laina makes a puzzled face, and then immediately becomes sloppy.
“R-really? Ehehe… I guess so. Certainly, I might be amazing for being able to fight without losing heart in that situation.”
“Geez, Rai-chan. You get carried away so easily.”
Al makes a bitter remark, but it doesn’t reach Laina’s ears right now. Laina will probably fail again and then realize it, I think vaguely, as Emiri-san lightly pokes my shoulder.
“What is it? Emiri-san.”
“Wasn’t it thanks to Yun-kun’s potions that she was able to endure? The recovery amount was excessive for a beginner, wasn’t it?”
“I guess so. But, it’s not cool to say that, right?”
“Yun-kun’s way of doing things is unrewarding. But, I don’t dislike it.”
Indeed, that might be true. I laugh self-deprecatingly and return to the base camp I made.
Kusa Ishuu
What I noticed there was a burning, strange smell.
Minna Mayu Hiso
Everyone frowned uncomfortably, sensing it, while I raised my voice alone.
In a hurry, I opened the oven that I had left unattended and took out the mold inside, and what came out was a blackened lump.
Katamari Ko
The pound cake that was coming along so well was overbaked and burnt.
With a slight hope, I scraped off the surface, but it was thoroughly burnt to the core and inedible.
Riui and Zakuro nestle close to me as if to comfort me, as I drop to my knees on the ground and express my disappointment, while Emiri-san and the others become awkward, not knowing what to say.
“Ahahaha, w-well, I can just make it again. Yeah.”
The words I mutter as I raise my head echo emptily among the quiet trees.
“So, Endo-san. No, Emiri-san, why were you doing that? And what was the meaning of that equipment?”
‘Do I have to answer that? It’s part of my hand, but…’
“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer.”
I am now talking to Emiri-san via friend communication.
Why was she wearing a mask?
Why was she able to fake her name?
Why was she changing her voice?
There are many things I want to ask, but I don’t intend to delve too deeply.
“Oh, there it is, there it is. I found it on the way back. Production materials.”
‘Really, it seems like anything other than production materials doesn’t matter to Yun-kun.’
“Ahahaha, sorry. But, this is also important to me.”
On the way back from helping Laina, I actually found one of the materials I was looking for, but I didn’t collect it at the time because I was so eager to return to a safe place. Now, I am collecting the material.
It is the [Bark of Moss-Scented Tree], which is the material for the [Insect Repellent Incense] that Claude asked for.
Koke Kouboku
It is a fallen tree with moss growing on it, but I will use the epidermis, including the moss.
I peel off about a dozen pieces of the epidermis and collect them.
The [Insect Repellent Incense] can be made by drying the bark, which is the base material for the incense, mixing it with the dried [Insect Repellent Chrysanthemum] flower, making it into a clay-like substance, processing it into a stick shape, and then drying it.
I don’t know why Claude, or rather, Lily, who is planning the event, needs the [Insect Repellent Incense], which has the effect of keeping insect-type MOBs away, but anyway, all the materials for the [Fireworks] and [Insect Repellent Incense] are now complete.
I explore the western forest with a happy face. I search for noticeable gathering points with Riui and Zakuro in order to secure the materials for the potions for Laina and Al, who are being taken care of by Emiri-san.
‘Yun-kun is completely different from when you’re at school, you’re so laid-back.’
“Huh? Is that so?”
‘Well, because you live according to rules and regulations… you’re not very noticeable, but Yun-kun here is quite free.’
The reason why Emiri-san’s words were interrupted in the middle, as she is watching over Laina and Al, was probably because she dealt with something over there. I listen to the story without paying particular attention.
‘Well, it’s fine. The reason I was disguising myself is, well, simply because I didn’t want to be seen by acquaintances.’
“Huh, why is that?”
‘Isn’t it awkward! A boring committee chairman type like me playing games! And VR, a trendy game, doesn’t suit me.’
“Is that so? I was surprised at first, but Sei-nee is serious but she plays games too, so it might not be that concerning.”
If I say that I don’t care that much, she replies that she does.
‘At first, I was avoiding playing with Yun-kun and the others, but recently, there have been guild recruitments, so I put more effort into disguising myself. The mask is a normal item, but the other two are more like joke items.’
Regarding the mask, it seems that it was an item sold at a street stall in sets of ten, and it had the additional effect of [Pain Absorption], which partially absorbs the damage to the armor.
Uta Monku
Therefore, it seems that it was sold with the catchphrase that it is fragile but serves as a guide to the durability of the armor.
Also, the item to change the name and the voice changer are joke items that came out at the summer camp event. I remember the guild members of [Yaoyorozu], such as Sei-nee and Mikazuchi, showing off their banquet performances with the joke items that were harvested that day.
“After all, there are guild recruitments everywhere. I was also a victim of malicious recruitment and ran away.”
‘In a sense, the current members can be said to be victims of guild recruitment. I’m not that severely affected, though. And I’m sorry for calling you by your first name.’
“You don’t have to worry about it. I was calling you by your first name too. Well, only the fake name.”
‘And… Shun-kun, do you have a desire to transform?’
“I don’t! This is a bug! A misrecognition of the body correction in the character edit! Or rather, what do you mean by ‘again’! What is it?”
When I tsukkomi loudly in the forest where no one is around, I hear a chuckling laugh from the other side of the friend communication.
‘I didn’t think you would deny it so strongly. But, it suits you.’
“Absolutely not happy.”
I say only that and remain silent for a while to show my displeasure.
The friend communication with Emiri-san is not interrupted, but we are both silent for a while. Then, I suddenly ask Emiri-san a question that I remembered.
“I want to ask you something… the fact that you were staring at Taku and talking about trying to figure out what he was like, and that you knew about Taku’s videos, does that mean you like Taku?”
‘Huh!?!?!? That’s not possible! Absolutely not.’
I heard such meaningful things, but… Is it my misunderstanding?
‘The reason I was worried was to avoid meeting Taku-kun. It would be troublesome if it was revealed that I was a player, right? And he’s not a romantic interest!’
“I see.”
Ando Tameiki
A sigh of relief leaks out at Emiri-san’s strong denial.
We are both silent at my small mutter. After that, I start the conversation.
“Um, let’s stop this conversation. It feels like it’s going to stir up trouble.”
‘That’s right. In OSO, let’s not touch on Yun-kun’s gender or Taku-kun as much as possible.’
We both agree with that, and Emiri-san says, “Let’s change the subject.”
‘Well then, let me ask you something this time. Why was Yun-kun in the southern wetlands?’
“Oh, I was asked by an acquaintance who is a production class to create an item, and I was gathering the materials for that.”
‘In that case, do you happen to have the item [Magical Creature Catalyst Metal]? If you do, I would like you to give it to me.’
“Oh, if it’s that, I have some that I got when I hunted with my sisters.”
I’m so happy, I can’t defeat them very easily. Her happy voice echoes.
“So, the reason Emiri-san was there was…”
‘That’s right. But, I don’t have enough fighting power to defeat the Darkman alone.’
The fact that she says “fighting strength” rather than “combat power” makes me feel that it is the power including the MOBs she summons, rather than her individual ability.
Well, defeating a Darkman would be easy, but defeating it might not be a good match for Emiri-san.

While we were talking, we returned to the Safety Area, lined up the materials we had gathered so far and the materials we originally had, and started working on a prototype of 【Fireworks】 first. If I were to make something proper, I would do it carefully in the workshop, but if it’s okay even if the effect is low, one production kit that can be taken outdoors is enough.

“Well then, Emiri-san. See you later.”

『Okay, I’ll go collect materials and level up the two of us for a while longer.』

I told her to take it easy and not overdo it, and cut off the friend communication, and checked the materials in front of me.

As materials for making 【Fireworks】, I have to make intermediate materials first. One is a Damage Potion. For this, I use the Moor Frog’s dropped frog stomach and the highly acidic jelly dropped by the Myxomycete Slime.

I chop up the stomach, add a little distilled water, and grind it well. Add the highly acidic jelly to it and filter it once.

It would be faster to use the concentrator in the 【Atelier】’s workshop to heat the yellowish liquid that has been purified to increase the concentration of the liquid, but if I reduce the moisture appropriately and then carefully bottle the concentrated liquid, the Damage Potion is complete.

Damage Potion 【Consumable Item】
HP Damage 【Slight (♀)】

It’s a mediocre product because I made it casually, but this is just an intermediate material and a prototype. I’m not too worried about the amount of damage. However, assuming failure, once I’ve completed a large number of bottled Damage Potions, I extinguish all the fires around me.

Next, I create another intermediate material, a bomb – or rather, a Gunpowder Ball just before it.

What I prepare are the Phosphorous Soul Crystals I received as a share from the Wisps and the Black Blast Stone I dug up from the ground. Both are materials that do not exert their effect individually, but they are dangerous when mixed.

“Fire source check okay. Let’s do it.”

Originally, I would crush them all at once with the ore crusher in the workshop, but this time I will make them in small portions.

The Phosphorous Soul Crystal, which is crushed with a crushing sound and turns into a smooth powder that reflects light like glass.

On the other hand, the Black Blast Stone turns into a slightly moist black clay soil.

Originally, I should find the optimal mixture to create a bomb that inflicts damage, but since I’m making Gunpowder Balls for fireworks, I make the specific gravity slightly higher for the Phosphorous Soul Crystals. Even so, I measure the fine amounts for later adjustment, mix the two together, and form a lump of clay into small balls.

Gunpowder Clay 【Consumable Item】

It’s not complete yet, but I make the base for the Gunpowder Ball, tear off a part of it, and store the rest in my inventory.

“Huh? Yun-san. What are you doing?”

“Hmm? Making explosives.”

When I answered Al’s question, Laina and Al, who were coming here, stopped in their tracks and froze.

The two and Emiri-san had returned from hunting, but only Emiri-san approached as if nothing was wrong.

“An item I don’t know. What is this?”

“It’s what you’d call a gag or joke item. Wait a minute.”

I re-empty the bottled Damage Potion into a container and put a piece of metal into it. I dissolve the metal into the potion.

When I soak the torn clay-like gunpowder into the Damage Potion in which the metal piece has dissolved, the yellowish liquid gradually fades.

After a while, I take out the wet Gunpowder Clay from the Damage Potion, which has become completely colorless and transparent, dry it, and shape it into a Gunpowder Ball.

As a final touch, if I rapidly dry it with the 【Pharmacy】 Skill, the Gunpowder Ball made from Damage Potion and Gunpowder Clay is complete.

By collecting and putting together several of these, it becomes a Gunpowder Ball for fireworks.

“I’m going to do a little experiment, so stay away! Zakuro! Help me!”

Zakuro, who was in a distant place, ran up to my shoulder at my words. I showed Zakuro the Gunpowder Ball I had挟 in between my fingers and gave him instructions.

“I’m going to throw this into the sky, so light it at the highest point. Okay?”

Zakuro replied with a short but clear voice, and I stroked him with my free hand and said, “Here we go.”

I threw the Gunpowder Ball high into the sky with the throwing power I had become accustomed to with Potions and Magic Gems, and Zakuro’s foxfire lit them at a high position.

The extremely small fireworks, launched in the bright daytime, bloom above the open square of trees.

A blue-green flower, which doesn’t look very clear, but is certainly colored, blooms in the sky and disappears immediately.

“Oh, it’s properly colored. But, is the color still faint? Is the color depth the strength of the Damage Potion? Or is it the amount of metal dissolved? Also, I’ll change the type of metal to dissolve and increase the number of colors. Well, I need to ask the client’s request once about this. Depending on the case, it might be possible to just make the Gunpowder Balls and leave the fireworks to them.”

As I was muttering my considerations alone, Laina and Al were staring blankly at the scene in front of them, frozen. Emiri-san gave a wry smile and said, “The scenery is too stimulating for beginners.”

“Is the work finished?”

“Is this half of it? I think the other one can wait.”

“I see. Then, can I have what you were talking about earlier? Is it okay to exchange it for the materials I have? I’ll provide enough materials as a 【Material Shop】 that handles 【Alchemy】 and 【Synthesis】.”

I felt the good vibes from Emiri-san, who winked slightly, so I took out the 【Magical Creature Catalyst Metal】 from my inventory.

“You hunted so much of this. I’ve been buying it little by little at the market, but it flows to the players with the 【Smithing】 Sense and I didn’t have enough. This will complete it.”

“I see. Okay.”

Indeed, if you collect 【Magical Creature Catalyst Metal】 and turn it into an Ingot, it will randomly become another metal Ingot. That’s why players with the 【Smithing】 and 【Crafting】 Senses gather it eagerly.

According to the story, Mithril Ingots can be made, or not.

“Are you satisfied?”

“Yes, I am. Then choose thirty from the materials I’ve put out. Anything is fine.”

Laina and Al peeked curiously at the materials Emiri-san had taken out, but they quickly lost interest because they didn’t understand their uses.

I identify them one by one and consider whether I can use them. Among them are high-quality iron ore and Hobgoblin Horns, and I can guess how to make them.

Since there are few herb-based materials, I give up and pick up another material. Next, when I picked up an item called Attribute Stone, information about Skill acquisition flowed in.

  • The 【Enchant】 Skill will be unlocked because the conditions have been met. 《Attribute》 type Enchant can be used by level 30 or higher and by contact with consumable items that use Skills.


I froze with the item in my hand.

Immediately, I selected the available Skills from the menu and checked the available Skills for the Sense 【Enchant Technique】.

《Basic Enchant》. 《Cursed Enchant》 for weakening. 《Skill Enchant》 that gives Skills to items. 《Material Enchant》 that gives additional Enchant-type effects to equipment.

And, 《Attribute Enchant》 was added as the fifth new Enchant Skill.

An item consumption type Skill. In a sense, it feels similar to the 【Bow】 type Sense, where the effect is exerted by using arrows, which are consumable items.

“What’s wrong? Yun-kun?”

“E-Emiri-san. Is this Attribute Stone all you have?”

Controlling myself from almost calling her Endou-san because I was so upset, I asked as if nothing was wrong. Emiri-san, who looked at me with a slightly puzzled look, said, “That’s one of my exclusive recipes… but not really. It’s a consumable item that increases the power of the corresponding Attribute magic. Maybe you want the recipe?”

“To be honest, I really want it.”

“No way. But I can prepare it, so you can buy it if you come to my place.”

“I see, there’s no helping it.” I sighed and said that I wanted ten of each Attribute that I have now.

There are four Attributes: Fire, Water, Wind, and Light, but since it’s an exchange for thirty materials, I gave up on the ten that exceeded the limit because I ran out of funds with the Mini-Portal I purchased the other day.

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