Weak Skill Duplicator – Chapter 63

Having parted ways with Einima, I finally made my way to the Mitorira Grasslands.

“Oh! Slimes as far as the eye can see!”

Slimes everywhere, slimes all around.

“Alright, let’s get to leveling up my skills right away!”

Even though there’s no one around, I shout it out to pump myself up.

Now then, the slimes before me.
I’ve already mastered the One-Handed Sword Basics, so today it’s Dagger Basics.
I immediately start hunting slimes with the dagger I borrowed from the Guild.
Yeah, this is exhilarating, they burst with a single strike.
Well, at my current level, I can defeat most monsters with one hit…
However, because the power is too high, the Magic Stones from the slimes are also destroyed, and I can’t collect them.
The Magic Stones that can be obtained from monsters are proportional to the monster’s strength.
It’s even said to be impossible to break a dragon’s Magic Stone, but a stronger adventurer could break a slime’s Magic Stone by using a high-level spell.
But what’s frightening is that even a slime’s Magic Stone can’t be broken without doing that much.
Magic Stones boast tremendous strength and can even be considered the strongest armor in a way.
They can’t be processed, so they’re currently only used as an energy resource, but if they could be processed, they would undoubtedly be used for weapons and armor.
Slime Magic Stones are not to be underestimated.
Not that they’re worth much money, so it’s fine, though…

After defeating slimes for 10 hours, before I knew it, my level had risen, and I had acquired a ridiculous number of skills.

“Let’s see, calculating backwards from the number of skills, the number of slimes I defeated in these 10 hours is… over 1000!?”

That’s insane, the efficiency is too good.
Not that there’s anything wrong with good efficiency…
Just when I thought it was a good time to go home, I spotted a slightly larger slime in the distance.

“…Is that a Slime Lord?”

A Slime Lord is,
A strong monster classified as a Rank B Monster.
Normally, it’s a difficult enemy to defeat, but with my current strength…

Using Shukuchi to get close, I inflict damage with a full-powered swing, but slimes generally have high physical resistance.
This alone won’t defeat it.
Well, I’ll just keep pushing through…

After hitting it with my Sword several times, it finally fell.

“I got a Magic Stone too… guess I’ll go exchange it for money.”

I return to the Adventurers Guild to report.

“I’d like to exchange these for money, please.”

“Yes, please place the Magic Stones or materials here.”


“Thank you… Eh! This is a Rank B Magic Stone. What on earth did you defeat!?”

“A Slime Lord.”

“That’s amazing! You also have a lot of Slime Magic Stones, please keep up the good work and raise your rank!”


I’ll work hard to become Rank S.
Deciding that, I was about to return to the Inn when Astena was looking at me.
With quite an intense look.
That’s scary… I’ll be careful on the streets at night.

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