Weak Skill Duplicator – Chapter 93

“Demon Lord-sama, Nedria of the Shredder, Kuder of the Enko, and Victor of the Demon Sword King have been defeated.”

“Hmm… I thought it would be a while before anyone could defeat Victor, let alone the others… They certainly know how to entertain me.”

“What shall we do? Should we send an army after those who defeated them?”

“It would be futile… There’s little point in attacking those who can defeat the Four Heavenly Kings with numbers. Let us wait instead. Those individuals will likely come to defeat me, the Demon Lord… We can crush them then.”

“But… isn’t that dangerous?”

“Oh? Do you believe I could be defeated by mere humans?”

“No! Absolutely not. I was merely concerned about you getting injured…”

“Well, whatever. I am in a good mood. To know that there are those in this world who can stand against me!”

The Demon Lord laughs.
Not grieving or lamenting the deaths of his subordinates, he simply laughed.
However, behind that laughter, one could sense something… a scheme of some sort.

It’s been a while since I’ve been back, but I think I’ll head out to subjugate the Demon Lord right away.
What about the academy, you ask?
I’m on hiatus…

Thinking back to a week ago, it was when the subjugation of the Four Heavenly Kings was announced throughout the country.

Erna, Cliff, and I were summoned to the royal castle.
Erna is practically family with the royal castle, and it was my second time, so I wasn’t too nervous, but Cliff was unusually tense.
He was sweating all over.
We were summoned by His Majesty the King and told that we had a vital mission.

“Your subjugation of the Four Heavenly Kings this time is truly magnificent! As a reward, I hereby grant you 2000 Gold Coins and the right to join the Hero Party!”

At that moment, applause erupted from the surrounding nobles.
Cliff was embarrassed, but Erna and I were a little displeased.
It was as if they were treating Erna like an object.
However, without the courage to get angry in such a place, we accepted the obligation disguised as a right.
If we refused to join the Hero Party here, there’s no telling what would happen to us later.
Well, I don’t mind being in a party with Erna, so I wouldn’t refuse anyway…

If anything, the party afterward was worse.
I was approached by the First Prince.
I thought it would be bad to refuse the prince to his face, so I said,

“I appreciate your feelings, but I have to go on a journey…”

He replied, “Then please, when your journey is over!”

I gave him a vague answer.
When I asked Erna later, it turned out that the prince had confessed to her too.
I thought as much…

Cliff was also popular.
He was offered marriage proposals from ladies all over the place.
He managed to refuse them for the same reason as me, but I wonder if he’ll be alright?
I’m afraid he’ll be deceived by some bad person.

Erna was popular to begin with, so she didn’t get so many marriage proposals today.
According to Erna,

“I wish they would consider my circumstances a little more!”

Yeah, I really agree with that.

Anyway, we decided to go on a journey to strengthen ourselves.

I’m on hiatus from the academy, but I probably won’t be coming back.
It was only for half a year, but it was quite fun.
I said goodbye to the academy in my heart and packed my bags.

This concludes Chapter 3.
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Probably the next one will be the final chapter.
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