Episode 146: Sea Monsters (Artificial)
The deep-sea resource collection platform has begun operations.
“O-oh… The resource, the resource recovery rate is, tripled…!”
Commander (Eve) was ecstatic, looking at the production graph that was rising sharply.
Even Ringo was smiling.
“Yes, Ma’am. Distribution area, reserves, quality, surrounding environment, all are favorable conditions. We should be able to secure enough resources for the next few years of our action plan.”
The massive mining machine, built in the deep sea, was scraping away at the seabed.
It sucked in the surrounding seawater and sediment, sorted out only the resources, and discharged the rest.
“So, it looks like pollution from mining is kept to a minimum… is that right?”
“Yes, Ma’am. As expected, the area around the platform is stirred up, but the spread to the surrounding area is below the set threshold.
If there are no problems after operating it for a while, let’s add more of these platforms.”
Due to the nature of recovering various minerals deposited on the seabed, simply scraping it off would spread a large amount of organic sediment and earth into the surrounding area.
Normally, no major changes occur in the deep sea. The existence of planetary-scale deep-sea currents has been confirmed, but it is a water flow at the level of several meters per hour.
It is incomparably calmer than the surface currents of several kilometers per hour, or the ebb and flow of the tide.
If the seabed of such a deep sea is stirred up and the surrounding area is polluted, it is unknown what kind of problems will occur. The ecosystem may change drastically, and it may even attract unintended giant creatures, or Threat Organisms (as Akane named them).
Therefore, the resource recovery platform moves as slowly as possible, and organic matter and earth other than resources are compressed into pellets and discharged.
Thanks to this, water turbidity and organic matter scattering are kept to a minimum.
“I had a hard time designing the surface protrusions to suppress seawater agitation.”
“I know. Thanks to that, it looks completely like a monster…”
In order to minimize seawater agitation due to movement, the shape of the seabed platform is thoroughly calculated and manufactured.
When a huge mass moves, the surrounding seawater is naturally pushed away. Vortices are generated at the rear, and this becomes even more pronounced when manipulating the manipulators.
Therefore, the entire surface of the platform is covered with cilia-like structures without gaps. The shape of the main body itself is also designed to make it difficult for trailing vortices to occur, resulting in a very biological appearance.
Moreover, these cilia automatically change shape when they sense water flow.
From the outside, it looks like a flat, giant creature slowly moving along the seabed, wriggling the hair or tentacles growing on its surface.
To put it mildly, it was a giant monster.
“Well, I guess it’s okay since there probably aren’t any people who can see this deep sea.”
It doesn’t have any particular attack capabilities, and this seabed platform will never see the light of day. In the first place, it is designed for underwater activities, so it won’t move properly on land.
“Currently, we are investigating the seabed resource distribution in more detail. The platform will recover seabed resources while moving, so the more we increase the number of operating platforms, the more production will increase.”
This seabed platform slowly moves along the seabed, sucking in mineral resources containing iron oxide, manganese, cobalt, and the like.
“In addition, a large amount of rare metals are deposited around the discovered hydrothermal vents. A dedicated device to recover these has also started operating. This will be mined by a platform with enhanced corrosion resistance.”
These hydrothermal deposits are formed when seawater that has seeped in due to crustal movement is heated and ejected from the seabed with dissolved metals.
Including the underground, there is a possibility of recovering a large amount of rare metal elements around hydrothermal vents, making them very promising deposits.
“Good, good. The seabed is a treasure trove. We have a surveillance network in place, so I wonder if we’re safe for the time being.”
“Yes, Ma’am. The deployment of defensive weapons has also been completed. Also, the resources consumed are expected to be recovered in about two weeks, so it’s safe to say that the balance will be positive.”
For the past several years, they have been continuously conducting seabed surveys and partial development. As a result, no traces of Threat Organisms have been found for at least several hundred kilometers around.
The only encounter was with Rain Croin.
If nothing happens for at least two weeks, the resources consumed in this series of surveys and development will be recovered.
“Methane hydrate mining is currently in the black, so there are no problems.”
And methane hydrate, which can be recovered in relatively shallow waters, continues to be produced at a level that is sufficiently profitable. At worst, even if the abandonment of the seabed platform is decided early on, it is within acceptable limits.
“We’re finally saying goodbye to the days of building while fearing the remaining amount of resources for reconstruction…”
She (Eve) savored the moment deeply.
Recover resources, and allocate the recovered resources to production facilities and weapons. A portion is allocated to The Tree and accumulated as stockpiled resources.
This is a savings to avoid falling into dire straits even if the Second Fortress or the Telek port city is lost.
The amount of stockpiles exceeded a certain level, and the production volume also expanded dramatically due to the operation of the seabed platform. For Commander (Eve), this will be fever time.
“The operational data for the aerial platform has been collected, right?”
“Yes, Ma’am. The flight test of the prototype has been completed without any problems. There are no problems with collecting flight data up to 15km above the ground.
The mobility test results of various structures have also been reflected in the simulator.
The design and virtual testing (simulation) of the main giant aircraft carrier and attack-type aerial platform have also been completed.”
“Hmm,” she nodded.
“I’ve been wondering about this obvious start construction button since a while ago…”
“This is the start of a huge project, so please give the order.”
Commander (Eve) has released considerable authority to Ringo, but due to its nature as a unified AI, it basically requires Commander (Eve)’s permission for all actions.
It seems that it was hesitant to start building a full-scale air force without any consultation.
“…Okay. Then, let’s begin. I authorize the strengthening of The Tree’s air force.”
She (Eve) took a light breath and then pressed the Start Construction button floating in the air.
“Construction of the Gigantia-class aerial carrier and the Titan-class escort ship series will begin. Approximately 104 hours until construction is completed.”
“For the time being, operations will be based at the Second Fortress (Black Iron). Once the Flathalla city is completed, we’ll be able to use that as well.”
“Yes, Ma’am. A 10,000m runway is required for the Gigantia to take off and land. We will be able to use the suburban base of Flathalla city as a forward supply base.”
After turning this aerial platform into a fighting force, they plan to carry out the conquest of the northern region of the Afracia United Kingdom.
In reality, it has been determined that the northern conquest is possible even with the current forces.
However, since the opponent is within the royal capital area, and what will come out is unknown, they decided to prepare their forces before invading.
Minimize damage by a lightning strike after preparing the air force.
Don’t give the opponent time to prepare.
“There are unconfirmed rumors that they have a powerful individual force, so we need to be careful.”
“More than anything, it’s romantic.”
Well, the main reason is that Commander (Eve) is talking about romance.
Asahi was excited, saying, “I wonder if there’s a legendary one-man army, the strongest man in the kingdom!?”, but Ringo hoped not.
If such a thing is confirmed, they plan to seal it off with long-range attacks.
Asahi is likely to complain, but Commander (Eve) is tolerant of one-sided games.
“Now that the schedule has been decided, let’s expand the spy bot network.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”