Episode 61: The Tale of the Dream Weapon
“Railgun test firing commencing.”
“Okay. You don’t need to wait for my signal, just go ahead and do it.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
The microwave power supply system was generally operating normally. There was an issue with convergence becoming weaker as the distance increased, but this was expected to be resolved by improving the transmitter.
Although, if we switched to a method using spatial coherence, it wouldn’t be used anymore.
“Battleship 18 (Romeo), capacitor circuits open. Charging commencing. Power transmission increasing. Internal load within expected range.”
Firing the railgun requires a tremendous amount of power. Therefore, the power is first charged into capacitors, and then released all at once to provide the necessary power.
In terms of performance, it is possible to supply enough power to fire without going through the capacitors, but doing so would result in oversupply when the railgun is not in use, so operating by charging the capacitors is essential.
“Capacitor voltage reached regulation. Railgun firing.”
In that instant, a flash of light burst forth from the railgun’s barrel, mounted on the bow. Simultaneously, vaporized water erupted from the muzzle like gun smoke.
“First shot fired successfully.”
“Muzzle velocity approximately 4,500 m/s. Results as expected.”
For reference, the fired projectile weighed 20kg. The kinetic energy of the projectile exceeds 200 mega (M) joules (J).
For comparison, a 150mm smoothbore gun’s APDS has a muzzle velocity of 2,000 m/s and a projectile weight of 60kg, resulting in a kinetic energy of 120MJ.
At this point, the railgun’s power is about 1.7 times greater.
In principle, smoothbore guns cannot be accelerated further, but the prototype railgun is designed for a maximum muzzle velocity of 8,000 m/s.
In that case, the kinetic energy would reach 640MJ.
And, if the barrel and projectile can be improved, and the projectile weight increased, that would directly translate into kinetic energy.
“Performing barrel replacement.”
However, due to its nature, the rail surface of the barrel is vaporized into plasma with each firing, gradually eroding it.
Therefore, the rails need to be replaced after a certain number of shots. Compared to a smoothbore gun, the barrel life is much shorter.
The amount of heat generated during firing is also very high, so proper cooling is necessary. The electrical resistance of metals increases at high temperatures, so firing without cooling is not possible.
“The replaced barrel will be sent for detailed inspection. Barrel replacement complete. Calibration commencing. Next round loading. Capacitor charging commencing.”
The removed barrel is collected and replaced with a new one. The barrel, manufactured by a general-purpose machine (printer) while being controlled at the molecular level, is joined with micrometer-order precision. Calibration is performed as a formality, but no particular adjustments are necessary.
The sea surface is calm, and the slightest tremors are absorbed by the excellent vibration damping system. Even during combat maneuvers, problems should not occur with the joints of <Ringo>’s machines during peacetime.
“Charging complete. Second shot fired. Success. Next round loading. Capacitor charging commencing. Conducting continuous firing test.”
After that, a continuous firing test of 5 shots was conducted with the railgun. Then, while increasing the power transmission, the continuous firing function test was continued.
“Barrel overheating, safety device activated. Firing rate is 20 rounds per minute, continuous firing count is 13 rounds.”
“I wonder if the cooling device is the problem?”
“Yes, Ma’am. However, if the gap between heat generation and cooling is too large, the barrel may deform, so this may be the limit.”
The recovered barrel will be sent for detailed inspection to investigate its condition. A thorough investigation will be conducted to determine if the amount of barrel wear is within expectations, if there are any distortions or cracks, if the current is flowing properly, and if there are any problems that could not be discovered in the simulation.
<The Core> is an extremely excellent computing device, but to accurately simulate physical properties, it is necessary to construct an accurate model.
Creating an accurate model requires precise observation of the physical world, and precise observation requires high-precision sensors.
If you pursue this too far, you will fall into a vicious cycle, so the calculation model used by <Ringo> is (only by <Ringo>’s standards) a mediocre one.
The difference between the real thing and the simulation is examined, and if it is within the allowable range, more prototypes are made. If there is a problem, the model is redesigned.
“If there’s a problem with barrel overheating, I guess we have no choice but to increase the number of barrels.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Considering the cost, if we keep it to about 60 rounds per minute with 8 barrels, the lifespan can be significantly extended.”
“If it’s 60 rounds per minute with a railgun, the projected energy is sufficient…”
Considering that a projectile with a muzzle velocity of 8,000 m/s and 640MJ is raining down once per second, the target would be in a terrible situation.
In theory, this power would easily penetrate even <Rain Crowin>’s skin. It is not known whether it can break through the mysterious barrier, but its characteristics have been identified and it can be captured.
“We can rest assured for now, even if a monster like <Rain Crowin> attacks.”
“Yes, Ma’am. As long as it is within the range of the microwave power supply system, we can reliably defend. Also, a large multi-stage electromagnetic projector (coilgun) is under construction at <The Tree>, so if this becomes operational, it will be a considerable increase in military strength.”
“Ah. That centipede cannon.”
A coilgun is a weapon that uses the electromagnetic field within a coil to launch projectiles without using contact rails.
Unlike railguns, there is no problem with the barrel being vaporized into plasma and eroding.
However, since coilguns have poorer energy efficiency and lower muzzle velocity compared to railguns, it is assumed that multiple coils will be arranged and synchronized to ensure muzzle velocity.
If the electromagnetic coils can be perfectly controlled, a tremendous muzzle velocity can be obtained. Using superconducting coils can alleviate the problem of energy loss due to heat generation to some extent.
However, the turret will be larger, so it cannot be mounted on a destroyer-level ship.
“In theory, it is possible to deliver projectiles 1,000km away. If we develop controllable (smart) projectiles, we will be able to attack unilaterally from super long range (outrange).”
“Hmm, how romantic. I can’t imagine using something like this in actual combat, but well… if we just keep developing it, we can mass-produce it with a printer…”
“Yes, Ma’am. It can also be applied to mass drivers, so let’s continue development.”
<The Tree> is currently in a major mass production system.
Large drones for use in the microwave power supply system’s power grid, various materials and equipment for fortress construction.
The renovation of the 1st (Alpha) class, the prototype of the next-generation ship. Since the new fortress is on land, it is also necessary to prepare defense machines.
Fortunately, no hostile forces have been confirmed in the vicinity, so defense capabilities are not so important. The main mission will be to prevent wild animals from entering.
However, given the precedents of <Rain Crowin> and <Worm>, we cannot be careless.
Information about monsters is being collected in the port town of Telek. However, the surrounding environment has a sparse biota, and not much useful information is being collected.
Basically, a lava rock wilderness spreads out, so it can’t be helped.
For the time being, I was able to find out that there are herbivorous but ferocious cow-like large monsters, and wolf-like monsters that prey on them. However, they are rarely seen.
And, as far as I can see from the sky, such monsters have not been observed around the fortress construction site. There is almost no vegetation, and it is an environment where herbivorous large organisms cannot live.
“It seems like we don’t have to worry about a conflict between magic and science, like I was worried about at first.”
“Yes, Ma’am. At least, as long as we stay within the current controlled area, there will be no conflict. However, we will be expanding our activities from now on. In that case…”
“…Eventually, we’ll run into some force. I want to find oil as soon as possible, and I want to develop large-scale mines. In that case, I wonder if we need to start by increasing our military strength.”
“We also need eyes. In addition to infiltration-type bot groups, reconnaissance by humanoid machines (communicators) will also be necessary.”
“Hmm. I wonder if we should create a base for that at the new fortress. We could even install a dedicated AI.”
“Yes, Ma’am. I will consider it.”