A week has passed since the entrance ceremony… Today is the club introduction.
Upperclassmen come to our classrooms and explain what their clubs do, what kind of results they’ve achieved, and so on, along with materials.
Frankly, I feel bad for the upperclassmen who have worked hard on the materials and practice for the explanations, but I’m not very interested.
Baseball club, soccer club, basketball club, tennis club, swimming club, Physical Modification Club, Magic Research Club,錬成 Club, Manga Club, Art Club, Brass Band Club…
I was half-listening, but there was one club that caught my attention.
“Um, our Skill Research Club studies various methods of acquiring skills, their effects, and new types of skills that haven’t been discovered yet. In the process, we’ve found a way to obtain skills of a higher rank than your Skill Aptitude.”
Not only the students but also the teachers were surprised by these words.
“W-What is that!? That’s a monumental discovery! Why haven’t you reported it until now!”
That’s right. If such a method were found, the skill situation around the world would change drastically.
I wonder if they really found it…?
“Well, the reason we didn’t report it is because it wasn’t research worth reporting.”
“There’s no way that’s true! Just how much research has gone into this…”
“We proceeded with our research under the assumption that skills are a kind of virus, as announced by the Skill Committee. Skill Aptitude indicates the level of Immunity. The higher the Immunity to skills, the harder it is to contract the virus… So, if we lower the Immunity, acquiring skills becomes easier. As for when the Immunity drops, we tried various things, and as a result, we were able to acquire skills that we wouldn’t normally be able to get when we had a cold.”
“T-That’s an amazing discovery! It’s certainly dangerous to try to acquire skills when you have a cold, but it’s well worth the risk!”
The teacher seemed happy to hear that.
“Now, as for why we haven’t made this achievement public… this doesn’t lower the Immunity of people with high Skill Aptitude very much. As a result of our verification, those with Skill Aptitude F-Rank can barely obtain C-Rank skills, and it has no effect on people with Skill Aptitude E or higher.”
Hearing that, the teacher’s face immediately turned disappointed.
“I see… It certainly doesn’t seem like something worth announcing…”
It’s only useful for those with Skill Aptitude F-Rank or lower…
In this world, about 70% of people belong to Skill Aptitude E. Those with F-Rank or lower account for only about 3% of the total.
Moreover, even that F-Rank only becomes about the same as E-Rank when they have a cold.
Certainly, it’s an interesting discovery, but it’s not very practical…
But there’s one person here.
A guy with a Skill Aptitude lower than F-Rank,
Kaine with Skill Aptitude G!
It’s just an analogy to a virus, and it’s not really a virus.
However, it is true that the easier it is to acquire skills, the lower the Immunity.