Weak Skill Duplicator – Chapter 59

After defeating Ryugu, we spent our time sightseeing all over Kunitra.

Day 2

“Kaine-san! Look, you can see the clouds below!”

We were climbing the mountain that Gald had initially suggested.

“Hey, wait, can’t you see a rainbow too if you look closely?”

It had been about five hours since we started climbing the mountain, but we still hadn’t reached the summit. This mountain is one of the Tractecta Mountain Range, said to be the second highest in the world. However, the surrounding countries claim that a part of the mountain range overlaps with their territory, so it’s theirs! Of course, the claim to the rights of this mountain wouldn’t be accepted just because 10 or 20 percent of the mountain range overlaps, so the ownership of the mountain belongs to the country of Kunitra, and they boast that it is the highest mountain in human territory.

“You two, it’s dangerous to run!”

“Kaine! Gald! Stop it!”

We stopped at the two’s warning.

“…Honestly, Gald-san is one thing, but Kaine-san, you need to be more mature.”


“…Kaine, you have a tomboyish personality, don’t you?”

“…I was educated in a spartan way by my parents, they’ve been trying to make me an adventurer since I was little.”

“Hee… Did Kaine-san want that too?”

“Well, I wanted to be an adventurer. But I didn’t want to be a cash cow for my parents.”

“…I see. What are your parents doing now?”

“I only heard rumors before coming to the academy, but they were originally big spenders, so they used up most of their savings, and since they’re almost 50 now, they can’t be adventurers anymore, and they’re apparently making a living by doing several part-time jobs.”

“That’s… quite miserable.”

“Well, they abandoned me, so it serves them right.”

After climbing the mountain for eight hours with such conversations.

“Phew… shall we camp here tonight?”

“Has Ojou-sama ever camped out before?”

“Don’t make fun of me! I can do this much…”

While saying that, Erna started setting up the tent.



“…Um, instead of watching, could the three of you help me?”

“Ah, sorry, sorry.”

We helped Erna set up the tent and started eating the portable food we had brought.

“I wonder if it’s because it’s processed with magic, but it feels different from the bread I usually eat.”

“It can’t be helped, we should be grateful that it can maintain its freshness.”

“Einima-san… aren’t you eating a bit too much?”

“But it’s delicious.”

After finishing our meal, we decided to go to bed soon since we had to get up early tomorrow. Gald would sleep alone in a smaller tent, and the three girls would sleep together in a larger tent.

It was dark, and I was about to lose half of my consciousness when Erna spoke to me.

“…You two, what do you think of when you hear the word sleepover?”

“Pillow fight?”

“Crepe throwing?”

Einima… there’s no such thing as crepe throwing. Or rather, what is that?

“I… heard about it from my mother. Apparently, all the girls talk about the men they’re interested in…”


“It’s apparently called a love talk. So… Einima-san, is there anyone you’re interested in?”

Einima said one word to Erna, who was talking happily.

“No one. I’m sleepy, so I’m going to sleep.”

“I, I see… Then, what about Kaine-san?”

“Hmm… if I had to say, it would be Gald?”

“Gald-san!? What do you like about him?”

“The way he uses Darkness (Magic), it’s unique. He’s always got Darkness (Magic) wrapped around his right arm. The other day I saw him doing something behind the school building, so I peeked and he was saying, ‘Kukuku, it’s a bit of a waste to use my power on someone like you, but it can’t be helped to break the seal…'”

“Kaine-san, are you saying that on purpose? …Haa, well, never mind. The love talk is over!”

…Because I really don’t have anyone I like.

Day 3

The next morning, we slowly started walking towards the summit.

“I’m still sleepy…”

Einima wants to sleep, but if we don’t leave in the morning, it will be difficult to reach the summit in three days.

“Come on! Hurry up!”


Einima seems to be weak in the morning. She’s also weak at night, though…

As we were climbing the mountain, a rock doll appeared from the other side of the mountain.

“…Unlucky. We don’t see them often this time of year, but it seems we’ve run into a Rock Golem.”

Rock Golems are quite strong monsters classified as Rank B Monsters. …But compared to Ryugu, they are somewhat weaker. They are not opponents we can’t defeat.

As usual, we easily defeated it with swords and magic.

“This guy had strength, but his defense was terrible.”

“Yeah. A lot of attacks worked.”

When we tried to move forward after defeating the Rock Golem, we heard a roar.

“What is it!”

“What! That is…”

The monster we saw far ahead of us was a
Gold Golem
Classified as a Rank A Monster, an upper species of Rock Golem!

If you think about it calmly, you wouldn’t be able to climb the second highest mountain in the world in four days, but the people in this world all have high physical abilities, so they can somehow climb it.