“Alright everyone, as you all know, tomorrow is the Comprehensive Outdoor Activities. Go to bed early tonight! Dismissed!”
We all hurried home.
I couldn’t afford to be late tomorrow. As soon as I got home, I jumped into bed.
“Kaine-san! Kaine-san!”
I could hear Gald’s voice from beyond the door.
“What is it? It’s still two hours before we have to leave for school, isn’t it?”
I looked at the clock, and it wasn’t even 6 a.m. yet. I should have plenty of time…
“Didn’t the teacher say yesterday, ‘We’re meeting at 6 a.m. tomorrow’?”
That’s right!
I quickly jumped out of bed.
But there were still 15 minutes left. I could make it in time with Shukuchi.
I quickly changed and went outside with my luggage.
“Gald! Grab…”
Before I could say “grab on!”, he had already taken my hand.
“O-okay… Let’s go!”
With that, I used Shukuchi with Gald!
We were packed tightly into a large carriage, chatting away.
“Man, that was close this morning.”
“I shudder to think what would have happened if I didn’t have Shukuchi.”
“…Kaine-san? You should probably avoid using Shukuchi in public…”
“Kaine-san, you can use Shukuchi?!”
Cliff was surprised.
“Ah! …It’s a secret, okay?”
“Sigh… Kaine-san, please be careful.”
We were on our way to Onsen Town Mitdoria, the location for the Comprehensive Outdoor Activities (YSK for short).
I heard that Mitdoria has great hot springs, but I’m not that interested in baths, so I wasn’t that excited.
However, Elena seemed to feel differently.
“This is my first time going to a hot spring… I’m really looking forward to it!”
Cliff agreed.
“M-me too, I’ve never been to Mitdoria before… I’m looking forward to the hot springs…”
Everyone seemed to like hot springs more than I thought.
After that, we exchanged snacks in the carriage and arrived at our destination.
“This is… Mitdoria?”
“It smells kind of like eggs.”
“That’s how onsen towns usually smell.”
We entered a fairly large town and immediately headed to our Inn.
The Inn was quite large and luxurious.
“We have sightseeing and meal plans scheduled until 7 p.m…. After that, you’re free to do whatever you want. But don’t get too carried away! You’re here as students of the academy.”
After listening to the teacher’s explanation, we were told about the town’s features and history by the town mayor.
This is nice for a change…
The academy arc is nearing its conclusion.
I want to finish this story quickly, so I’ll skip any unnecessary details.