“Vampires don’t scare me anymore!”
Saying that, I approached the Vampire at super speed and attacked. He went into a guard stance at the last moment, but I slammed down on him from above.
“Spirits and Goblins!”
However, the Vampire didn’t die. It didn’t seem like it wasn’t effective, but he hadn’t taken enough damage to fall.
The damage from the previous battle remained, and my attack power was weakened because I wasn’t in perfect condition…
Still, it’s a little strange that I can’t defeat a Vampire.
“Surprised? I can forcibly draw out the life force of living things and give them a temporary boost. So, I’ve drawn out this Vampire’s life force to its limit. Unlike Kuuga-kun, this guy can only power up for an even shorter period, and he’ll definitely die when it’s over.”
“You really know how to piss me off…”
“If you’re frustrated, why don’t you try defeating him? Even though it’s for a short time, it’ll take you no time at all to defeat everyone. By the way… most of his stats exceed 100,000. Even Ort Mekina would have a hard time defeating him.”
“Hmph, 100,000 is nothing. I’ll put you out of your misery!”
Even as I said that, stats exceeding 100,000 are seriously bad. The only stats I can compete with are speed and strength. I guess I have no choice but to combine Shukuchi and Throwing to fight skillfully.
Looking closely, the Vampire started to shed tears.
Is it painful for him to be forced to fight?
If so, I want to relieve him quickly…
I throw 10 stones at the same time.
Then, I approach in an instant with Shukuchi, but immediately after, I pull back, and pull back again with Shukuchi.
Repeating this several times, the Vampire, unable to cope with either the throwing stones or the Shukuchi, finally showed an opening.
If I’m going to do it, it’s now!
The Vampire took a direct hit.
This time, he couldn’t pay attention to me, and in that instant, he took several more throwing stones and became unable to move.
“Sorry, Void Hell!”
I finished him off, and he seemed to have died.
We are wagering our lives in this war.
It can also be said that we are prepared to be killed by the opponent.
But, did this Vampire bet his life? I don’t know, but Tect treats the lives of people and monsters so lightly…
“Well then, shall we begin the execution?”
“Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Why?! Why can you defeat him?!”
I inflict terror on the Four Heavenly Kings, who are crying again.
Along with despair…
After that, I tortured Tect for a whole day, then killed him easily.
His last words were, “I want to live a life where I’m manipulated next time…”