World of Sandbox – Chapter 191

“The bio-radar is complete! Sister!”


Eve was perplexed as Asahi jumped on her after returning for the first time in a while.
It couldn’t be helped, since she was suddenly hit with a mysterious term.

“Yes! That, you know, the silver wyvern! I analyzed its electromagnetic wave sensing ability and completed a radar function using pseudo-biological components!”

“Ho… is that so?”

No such report had been received from Ringo.

Casting a glance, Ringo nodded.

“I was asked to keep it a secret.”


Eve stroked Asahi’s head with a half-lidded gaze at Ringo’s casual answer.

“It doesn’t particularly affect future plans, so I allowed it to proceed as it wished. While there are technically innovative aspects, it lacks versatility and has difficulties with mass production.”

“Ringo! Biological components are full of infinite possibilities! You don’t have to say it like that!”

I see, Commander Eve nodded.

Currently, The Tree is operated according to the roadmap formulated by Ringo, and unless a problem requiring a major plan revision occurs, reports are not actively raised.
Even if something technically novel is discovered, it will not be actively reported unless it causes a plan revision.

If the discoverer tells it to remain silent, Ringo will do so as long as there are no problems.
However, this would not be the case if Eve asked directly.

“Now, now, calm down. Since you went to the trouble, Asahi, could you tell me about this bio-radar?”

“Yes, with pleasure, Sister!”

“I have tea prepared in the lounge, this way.”

Ringo smoothly led the two away.
At the same time, Sister Eve’s schedule was published on the network, and the initial five sisters who received it also began moving towards the lounge.

“So, what were you saying?”

“Yes! It’s the bio-radar, Sister! The one that silver wyvern was using! I succeeded in recreating it!”

According to Asahi, the wyvern’s radar, electromagnetic wave emission and electromagnetic wave sensing, could be analyzed using scientific techniques rather than magical means.

“The basics are a combination of sensory cells that react to surrounding electromagnetic waves and generate electrical signals, and excitation cells that convert the electricity generated by the power-generating cells into electromagnetic waves! The mechanism itself is not that complicated!”

“The wyvern seemed to have this group of cells as part of its brain inside its skull.”

In line with Asahi’s explanation, Ringo displayed a 3D analysis of the wyvern on the display.

“The problem is generation, not sensing! As long as we follow the normal laws of physics, generating electromagnetic waves of that intensity, especially coherent electromagnetic waves, requires voltage and current, but the heat management problem is significant! If we can’t efficiently cool the heated cells, the proteins will denature in the next instant!”

“No efficient cooling function was confirmed in the wyvern’s body structure.”

“It’s biologically abnormal to have a high heat source housed inside the head, along with the brain, which is the most important organ! This is why monsters are monsters! By using the magic stone’s body structure strengthening function, it forcibly overcomes biological weaknesses!”

According to Asahi’s calculations, the entire brain would boil when the power needed to generate the radar waves used by the wyvern was generated. Naturally, the brain and blood could not withstand such high temperatures, and the wyvern should die instantly.
Furthermore, the heat source is also the electromagnetic wave excitation cells. Both the power-generating cells and the electromagnetic wave excitation cells become hot, so the wyvern cannot live without the power of the magic stone.

“Yeah, it’s a mass of irrationality! However, the power generation and excitation cells themselves are sufficiently reproducible! I knew that if I prepared a cooling function, it would work well enough, so I repeated the prototypes! I was finally able to reproduce something at a practical level!”

And what Asahi displayed on the screen was a lump of flesh housed in a cylindrical glass container.

To put it mildly, it was a grotesque image.

Well, Eve had some tolerance, so she only frowned a little.

“This is…? Uh, how big is it?”

“164cm in diameter!”

“That’s huge!”

“With this, I was able to confirm the same performance as a short-range radar!”

“By the way, an electronic device with almost the same performance would fit in a 10cm square.”

“That’s palm-sized!”

“Size doesn’t matter!”

Asahi declared.

“Sister, the important thing is that we were able to reproduce it with our own power! The first step in analyzing magic is understanding! At least, the bio-radar used by that wyvern is scientifically reproducible!”

Indeed, Asahi’s words were correct. Observation and reproducibility are important in science. Practical application and miniaturization come later.

Observing an unknown phenomenon and reproducing it.
This is the first step, and if you can’t do this, you can’t move forward.

“Hmm… well, okay…”


Is there anything about completing this bio-radar that helps in understanding magic?

“From the perspective of analyzing fantasy, there is no particular progress. Power generation cells and excitation cells themselves are known phenomena. Combining these and making them perform a meaningful function is a kind of discovery, but…”

“…Asahi, was it fun?”

“Yes! It was!”

Well, if this junior sister enjoyed it, that’s good enough.

“Well, while I was preoccupied with this, Cosmos was analyzing the magic element meter, and I was so frustrated that I went on a bit of a rampage!”

“Ah, that.”

The Asahi rampage incident. It seems to occur periodically.

“It seems that cells that generate a potential difference in response to magic elements have been found, so I plan to scientifically approach those cells next! It only works with magic stones, and it’s too difficult to mass-produce!”

“Cosmos reported that it is possible to use crushed magic stones?”

“Didn’t she say that crushing them significantly reduces the lifespan of the magic stones! That’s fine in the short term, but we have to look at things in the long term!”

“Looking at things in the long term…?”

Sister Eve seemed very concerned about Asahi’s words, but Asahi completely ignored them.

“I’m not just watching Cosmos, or rather, Olive’s success with my hands folded! I’ll prove that Asahi can do it too!”

“Eh, are you aware of that?”

“Sister, Asahi is a capable girl!”

“…Well, it’s okay, I guess.”

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or rather, maybe the more problematic they are, the more lovable they seem.
Of course, Eve usually dotes on the initial five sisters, so doting on Asahi, who only comes back occasionally, wouldn’t be considered favoritism.

While casually stroking the approaching Asahi, Eve sighed.


“We have the power to provide you with everything you need. We also understand that this will help you.”

Tiariaada Elemes was sweating uncomfortably in front of the woman (Dreissig) who said that.

Just what does the person in front of her know, and to what extent?
How much of their information has been grasped?

“The problem is whether you can adequately provide the compensation.”

“…I think I understand that. We are also in the process of collecting compensation.”

“If possible, I would like to see it with my own eyes. Can you guide me? It’s not that difficult. All you have to do is accept our delegation.”

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