Episode 206: Simultaneous Fire
One of the two Multi-Legged Tanks was engaged in close combat with the Hidden Player.
The other was observing from a short distance, providing support, or so it seemed.
From that second, more distant Multi-Legged Tank, a Communicator descended.
The Hidden Player, perhaps wary, maintained its tug-of-war with the Smasher, but made no significant movements.
However, this stalemate wouldn’t last.
Shadow Players continued to infiltrate the area, and the Mountain Boars showed no signs of stopping.
“Defense Officer, may I have a moment?”
“…Ah, you’ve come down. Is everything alright over there?”
“No problem. There’s still one more.”
The Communicator approached the hesitant defense force and addressed them.
“First, we buy time.”
With those words, the Multi-Legged Tank in standby mode sprang into action.
It secured the Smashers to its arms, adopting a thrusting stance, and charged.
“That bow and arrow attack you used earlier, can it be used repeatedly?”
“Ah, yes. Perhaps two or three more times, depending on the person.”
The strategic AI, Cosmos, consulted with multiple tactical AI Wedelia-class units, exploring possibilities for defeating the Hidden Player.
“If we can apply pressure to the barrier, the magic defense wall, through blunt attacks or ramming, and combine that with your piercing attacks, we might be able to temporarily nullify the magic defense wall.”
In the phenomenon of “piercing,” the magic technique called Pierce, used by these hunters, was highly effective.
How did the people of this world confront threats that possessed magical barriers as a matter of course?
The answer was the technological system known as “magic.”
Through interviews and investigations, it became clear that this magic technology had evolved in response to monsters.
The Pierce magic technique was likely developed to target extremely tough and resilient monsters.
Therefore, if they could somehow weaken or negate that magic barrier, the hunters might be able to land an attack.
Incidentally, if the personnel who specialized in Pierce, who had been pulled away to deal with the Soul Butterflies, were present, they could have countered the threat.
But because those personnel were unavailable, Paraiso’s assistance was requested. Such is the way of things.
“I see. Even if we don’t defeat it, if we can make it perceive us as a threat, it might flee. Can you coordinate the timing?”
Even as they discussed, the Multi-Legged Tank was putting on a show.
The Hidden Player swiftly swayed to avoid the Smasher’s horizontal sweep. The other Multi-Legged Tank leaped in to deflect the scythe attack that followed without pause.
The scythe, seemingly fragile, withstood the direct impact of the metal Smasher.
Its toughness was remarkable, but the strength supporting it was even more so.
“Please provide us with the approximate firing timing. We’ll make the fine adjustments.”
“I see… that’s all we can do. Ah, I trust you. The village can be abandoned, but the villagers must be protected.”
If they failed to repel the enemy, they would have to conduct a fighting retreat while protecting the villagers.
Siege warfare would be ideal, but if those Mountain Boars charged in, the village would be trampled. A few defensive walls wouldn’t stop them.
The only saving grace was the well-maintained road.
Escorting the villagers with the Multi-Legged Tanks, they could flee in wagons packed to the brim.
If the road hadn’t been maintained, they would have been forced to move on foot.
“If we can defeat the Hidden Player, the evacuation will be safer. Then, the attack will commence… let’s say, in three minutes. We’ll also call in about three of our soldiers. Let the countdown begin.”
“You all heard that! Coordinate the timing perfectly! If it’s even slightly off, the power will be drastically reduced. Don’t be late!”
“Y-yes, sir!”
The plan was set.
The weapons to be used were the Multi-Legged Tanks’ main cannons, sub-cannons, and anti-air guns. Beta, who was currently hunting Shadow Players on the rocky mountain, would also attack at the same time.
Furthermore, the Multi-Legged Tanks’ two quad missile launchers would be used. They would be launched in surface-to-surface mode, timed to strike simultaneously from above.
Three Communicators, including the one whose creation was underway, for a total of four, would use personal rocket launchers.
The warheads would be anti-tank high-explosive, hoping for penetration.
Multi-Legged Tank Alpha leaped backward, firing its main cannon to keep the Hidden Player at bay.
Gamma continued the melee, pinning the Hidden Player in place.
The main cannon shell was blocked by the magic barrier, rendering it ineffective, but it could disrupt the Hidden Player’s stance.
Using that opening, Alpha and Beta launched surface-to-surface missiles from their missile launchers.
A total of sixteen missiles were launched from the four quad missile launchers. They would circle in the air, gaining speed, and then dive in at the same time.
Due to the accelerating descent from above, their impact speed would exceed the speed of sound.
All attacks would be timed to coincide with the missile impact.
Immediately after, the hunters would fire their Pierce shots.
If possible, they would follow up with a barrage from the main and sub-cannons.
The two Multi-Legged Tanks facing the Hidden Player used the surrounding obstacles to drive it toward the target point.
It was necessary to prevent it from moving freely at the moment of attack.
If possible, they wanted it to grab the Smasher again, as it had done before.
“One minute until the attack. Commencing countdown.”
“Alright, prepare to fire!”
The Communicator shouted, holding its rocket launcher.
“57! 56! 55!…”
The hunters nocked their arrows.
“30! 29! 28!”
The safety on the rocket launchers was disengaged.
In the sky above, the missiles, accelerating to subsonic speeds, were circling.
“10! 9! 8!”
“Take aim!”
The five hunters drew their bows.
At the same time, they imbued their arrows with Pierce, focusing their will to penetrate.
“5! 4! 3!”
The missiles began their descent.
The group of missiles breaking the sound barrier created a deafening roar, but the sound would only arrive after the attack was over.
Multi-Legged Tank Beta also temporarily ceased its attack on the Shadow Players.
All of its turrets were aimed at the Hidden Player.
“2! 1!”
The arrows were released.
Almost simultaneously, the four Communicators pressed the firing buttons, igniting the rocket motors of the warheads. With a burst of backblast, the high-explosive rounds shot from the tubes.
Multi-Legged Tank Alpha swung its Smasher down, while simultaneously firing its main cannon, sub-cannon gatling guns, and anti-air laser guns at point-blank range.
Gamma leaped backward from its position, unleashing all of its cannons and laser guns at the same time.
Every attack struck the Hidden Player at the planned time, with no more than a tenth of a second’s deviation.
The impact of the slammed-down Smasher.
Sixteen missiles striking from above at supersonic speeds.
Main cannon shells fired at an initial velocity of 5,000 m/s.
The bullets sprayed by a total of six gatling guns, two per tank.
The anti-tank high-explosive rounds fired by the four Communicators.
The high-temperature beams from the laser guns.
All were blocked by the shimmering magic barrier, but the power of each attack was undeniable.
Those attacks were timed to impact with slight variations. This applied continuous pressure to the barrier.
And then, the main attack pierced through.
Pierce consumed magical power, interfering with reality to “penetrate” itself.
The first arrow was blocked by the still-active magic barrier, losing its power.
But it had opened a path.
A hole tore through the magic barrier.
Four arrows with piercing attributes plunged into it.
The Hidden Player’s carapace was tough, but not enough to resist penetration.
The arrowheads pierced and broke through the carapace, sinking into its body.
As if to add insult to injury, a hail of bullets from a gatling gun poured into the wounds.
It all happened in less than a second.
Naturally, the main cannon could not be recharged in such a short time.
The Hidden Player, perhaps surprised by the breach in its magic barrier and the damage to its internal organs, recoiled violently.
Approximately three seconds after the direct hit of the concentrated attack, the multi-legged tank fired its main cannon, but it was neutralized by the already restored magic barrier.
However, realizing that its opponent was a threat, the Hidden Player spread its wings and took flight, circling around the village.
The hunters, their tension released, collapsed to the ground.