World of Sandbox – Chapter 318

Episode 318: The Importance of Manual Labor

<The Tree>, engaged in the reclamation of the Demon Forest, had advanced approximately 6 kilometers from their forward base constructed just before the forest’s edge.
Here, upon a proposal from their allied family (Chimera), they decided to construct a fortress.


“Lord Noin. The surrounding area has been swept clean. I am returning the squads to standard patrol, is that acceptable?”

Noin=Iris, who had been observing a display at the foot of the command vehicle, turned her face towards Patriarch Turanta, who had addressed her.

“Understood. No suspicious movements have been detected. I judge it acceptable.”


The family (Chimera) communicates amongst themselves in ways undetectable by <The Tree>. Likely, they are using the power of magic (fantasy).

Turanta, who seemed to have remotely instructed a change in personnel deployment, nodded and approached Noin’s side.

“This hill is an excellent location. If we construct a solid wall, we can attack unilaterally.”

“We are blessed with favorable terrain. There were mountains with even better conditions a few kilometers further in, but this is the limit of our advance for now.”

“Indeed. It is not yet the time to overextend ourselves.”

Having secured a small hill, <The Tree>’s forces deployed multiple multi-legged tanks on the summit to establish a defensive posture, and then began sweeping the surrounding area. In cooperation with the family (Chimera), they ensured the area’s safety.

Currently, they are in the process of felling trees to secure land for construction.

Of course, they are meticulously confirming that no monsters remain lurking underground.

“Truly, your construction capabilities are remarkable. Without you, we would not have been able to advance this far in the first place.”

“We are in each other’s debt. Without you, we would have had to burn our way through the forest to reach this point.”

Through the joint operation of <The Tree> and the family (Chimera), the clearing of the Demon Forest is proceeding remarkably smoothly.
<The Tree>’s automatons handle the labor, maintenance of the defense system, and transportation of supplies, while the family (Chimera) handles the extermination of obstructing monsters and reconnaissance of the surrounding area.

This division of roles has meshed exceptionally well, enabling rapid deployment.

Currently, the maintenance and escort of the road running through the Demon Forest is primarily the responsibility of the family (Chimera).
Through regular patrols and the extermination of intruding monsters, they protect the various facilities installed by <The Tree>.

Establishing buffer zones on both sides of this main road, and ultimately minimizing the patrols required by the family (Chimera), will likely be the immediate goal.

“The frequency of monster intrusions has not shown any significant fluctuations thus far. However, I cannot determine whether to consider this normal or abnormal.”

“Hmm… Ah, I see. The number of discoveries and exterminations per day, is it? I understood it intuitively, but it is much easier to understand when presented in this way.”

Turanta nodded repeatedly as he examined the graphed data. The number of monsters, or even ordinary animals, detected and engaged. Their one-week moving averages were, if anything, remarkably flat lines.

“Currently, the territorial disputes in the surrounding area have likely not yet settled down. The monsters pushed out by our advance are fighting and dispersing. A certain number of those pushed out are intruding into our controlled territory. Well, they should decrease in a few weeks.”

“Understood. If any fluctuations are observed, I will consult with you again.”

While replying, Noin waved her finger, changing the display to the blueprint of the fortress.

“Now then. For now, this is the planned fortress. We plan to deploy laser turrets on the hilltop, primarily for anti-air defense. From there to the mid-slope, we will install anti-ground attack turrets. The living quarters will be constructed underground. Living facilities will be below the mid-slope. The outermost perimeter will be a wire mesh fence to ensure visibility.”

“Wire mesh, is it? That is good, it is strong and does not obstruct the view. I thought we could not eliminate the walls, as there are many ground-crawling monsters.”

Constructing walls with concrete or other base materials would ensure strength, but it would make it difficult to observe small monsters. In particular, problems such as holes being unknowingly created if they attached to the base were anticipated.

Therefore, they decided to adopt a structure of deploying multiple wire mesh fences for the purpose of temporarily slowing them down, and then laser-incinerating the mesh along with the monsters upon contact, followed by rapid re-installation.

It would be less effective against massive creatures like boars, but these would be dealt with by dozer-type automatons. At worst, they could be blown away with coil cannon fire, so it was determined that strong walls were unnecessary.

“All that remains is the relocation of the barrier generator installed in the Holy Capital.”

And then, the highlight of this fortress.

The extraction and relocation of the massive magic stone and its structure, which deploys a magical barrier, installed in the Holy Capital of the Pravda Theocracy.

“The Holy Barrier, is it? We only know of it from records. I know this will cause you trouble.”

“No problem. Once the relocation is complete, we may be able to construct similar structures in the future.”

The plan is to excavate the massive magic stone installed in the center of the Holy Capital, along with the biological organs extending from it throughout the city, transport them, and install them in this fortress.

Such a proposal was made by the family (Chimera).

Originally, the Holy Capital seems to have been a forward city built as a shelter for the people. However, as their power expanded, it moved away from the front lines, and its purpose had been completely forgotten.
It had been designated as a religious symbol and included in pilgrimage routes, so it was not as if it had become completely useless.

“As expected, we could not use our heavy machinery. It would become the target of the barrier’s protection.”

“I see. It rejects anything that harms itself. Your machines would not be able to convey the intention of repair.”

And then.

They had begun the relocation work, but a problem had arisen.

When they tried to excavate the buried biological organs, or destroy the walls with heavy machinery, a barrier would be generated.

The Holy Capital is a city where many residents live.
Daily repairs, building demolitions, and expansions seem to be carried out normally.

However, large-scale construction by <Paraiso> is rejected in every case.

Apparently, destruction with the intention of repairing the wall is permitted, but destruction without intention, such as using heavy machinery, is rejected.

Therefore, they have now begun a project to gather laborers and dig through the walls.
Even in this case, if they simply try to dig without understanding the intention, they will be repelled, so it is necessary to clearly communicate the purpose of the construction, which has become a subtly troublesome situation.

“It is a phenomenon that is difficult for us to understand.”

“…You cannot use magic, can you? Yet, you can operate something of this magnitude, it is worthy of respect…”

For the family (Chimera), for whom the existence of magic is commonplace, the automatons handled by <Paraiso> must seem strange. Despite not using any magical effects, they are much stronger and sturdier than the monk-soldiers.

Of course, from <The Tree>’s perspective, the monk-soldiers, who perform the same functions as state-of-the-art automatons, are nothing but a threat.

“At least, we will take responsibility for this relocation work. I have a feeling that things might work out if you did the work directly…”

“Our numbers are small. It is impossible to carry out the construction of the entire Holy Capital with our hands alone. Well, it will be a public works project for the people of the Theocracy, there is no problem.”

In fact, they had obtained verification results that construction in the Holy Capital was possible using communicator dolls.
However, in the first place, communicator dolls are not suited for manual labor. Moreover, all of the communicator dolls currently operated by <The Tree> are of the young girl type. If they were adult male types, there might have been something they could do.

“If we can deploy the Holy Barrier at this fortress, the safety of the reclamation will increase dramatically. We should be able to move our main force here. That would make it easier to rotate the monk-soldiers, and we could train them more efficiently.”

The family (Chimera) also seems to want to move their headquarters to the front lines as soon as possible.

For them, the closer they are to the Holy Land, the more motivated they become.

The idea that a civilization based on magic is similar to medieval Europe, with the reason being that the civilization does not develop because it relies too much on individual skills, is great.
Having a plausible reason is very important.

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